Sargassum Seaweed: Gas Detectors on Caribbean and West Indies Coasts

Sargassum seaweed phenomenon

Sargassum seaweed – brown algae also known as – is a type of algae that evolved in huge beds in the Atlantic (some beds exceed 45 km in diameter). On the Caribbean coast of the Atlantic since 2011 Large-scale strandings of sargassum seaweed have become a real environmental and public health problem. West Indies And French Guiana is regularly affected by this condition, and other countries in this region are also affected: coastal Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and even Florida sometimes one meter capable of exceeding from toxic sargassum seaweed accumulations is affected.

Tens of thousands of tonnes of sargassum algae (more than 40,000 tonnes) in 2018 Guadeloupe , Martinique , Saint-Martin and even to the shores of Guyana shot . Sargassum algae accumulates on shores, trapping marine animals, blocking ship access and Decomposition releases toxic gases . To deal with these dangers, in June 2018 sargassum programları was started. On the hardest-hit islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, local authorities and communities are developing actions: to verify health risks and environmental hazards measuring sargassum gas concentrations campaigns for, depending on residential areas and the most popular beaches cleaning works, coastal collection of sargassum algae beds … Closing schools located near beaches and cleaning at the height of the tourist season are the first responses to the sargassum phenomenon. affecting the health, environment and economy of the inhabitants of those countries a problem .

Why are sargassum algae poisonous?

Sargassum gas: hydrogen sulfide and ammonia

Even though sargassum algae are not poisonous on their own, they can enter the decomposition phase when washed ashore. toxic gases They reveal .

The gas released by sargassum algae consists of two main elements. consists of:

  • Colorless substance found naturally on Earth hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is a gas. It is produced by the decomposition of organic and bacterial substances and can also be produced industrially. hydrogen sulfide, Harmful effects on health from 10 ppm and in high concentrations fatal toksik bir gazdır .
  • The decomposition of sargassum algae also releases ammonia (NH3) – also known as hydrogen nitride (composed of nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H2)). Ammonia, even at low concentrations It is a flammable, explosive and poisonous gas.

Health effects of sargassum gas

Gases released by the decomposition of sargassum algae It is quite poisonous (hydrogen sulfide and ammonia). Being exposed to and breathing these gases, even at low concentrations, many dangerous effects on health why could it be .

Symptoms and risks of sargassum gas:

  • Eyelash irritation (conjunctivitis, discomfort in bright light)
  • Respiratory system irritation (hoarseness, cough, chest pain)
  • incoordination
  • chronic poisoning In case of: bronchitis, respiratory and skin irritation
  • acute poisoning In case of: dizziness, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness

Additionally, people with asthma, children, and pregnant women are more sensitive to the health effects of these gases. Finally, at a certain level of concentration hydrogen sulfide (H2s) and amonyağa (Nh3) maruz kalmak can lead to death (100 ppm for NH3 and 1,000 ppm for H2S). Brown algae off the coast of the West Indies revealed by decomposition revealed by sargassum gazıdecomposition a real danger constitutes .

How to monitor sargassum gas?

The hydrogen sulfide and ammonia that make up decomposing sargassum seaweed emissions can be detected by smell – a rotten egg smell for H2S and a pungent odor for NH3. However, olfactory perception decreases as concentrations released by algae increase. When it is more than 50 ppm for NH3 and 100 ppm for H2S, it becomes impossible to distinguish these odors. This olfactory fatigue effect It is called . To prevent this and accurately measure the concentrations of these toxic gases It is necessary to use a special gas detector .

Among all available gas detectors, 2 solutions in particular monitoring sargassum gases Suitable for:

  • Portable single gas detectors 

    This, It is the most cost-effective solution but multi gas detector It is less useful than using . To monitor the presence of toxic gases released by sargassum seaweeds two portable single gas monitors required: one for hydrogen sulfide (H2S monitor) and one for ammonia (NH3 detector). The most commonly used device for this application is Does not require special care  such as the Senko SGT gas detector for It is a disposable gas detector . or

  • Portable multi-gas detectors 

    Using only one device to measure targeted gases is more suitable . A device equipped with NH3 and H2S sensors multi gas detector, properly monitoring sargassum gas concentration levels can be used for . Additionally, other sensors can be added to the device, such as CO or CO2, which are potentially released (at lower concentrations) during the decomposition process of algae.

These two types of detectors measure gas concentrations in air (expressed in ppm). etkili bir şekilde izleyebilir and on the dangers of sargassum seaweed may give a warning.

Alan gaz izleme cihazları veya sabit gaz algılama sistemleri gibi diğer çözümler de mevcuttur ancak bunlar sargassum yosununun ayrışması sırasında açığa çıkan gazların konsantrasyon seviyelerinin izlenmesi için nadiren kullanılır.

How to protect against sargassum gas?

Governments are responsible for the toxic emissions of decomposing sargassum He made different suggestions to combat its effects. For example, in the French West Indies, areas with more than 5 ppm H2S were closed to people not wearing appropriate respiratory protective equipment

People operating in polluted areas with toxic gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide should not have gas detection units. In addition with adapted respiratory protection masks needs to be equipped .

Therefore, people who collect or treat sargassum seaweed should be advised for short-term interventions. with ABEK filter Must use an equipped respiratory protective mask. Fully shielding the wearer's face, as brown algae emissions can irritate the eyes. full face mask It is recommended to use it (instead of a half mask).

  • In long-term exposures, powered air-purifying respirator with hood or ABEK filter mask use Highly recommended.
  • OEL of gas concentrations Using a respirator in polluted areas if it exceeds the (occupational exposure limit) limit by 60 times It is mandatory.