Varroa Treatment And Beekeeper Respiratory Protection Equipment

Varroa treatment: formic acid and oxalic acid

When a bee colony is infested with Varroa mites, beekeepers sometimes have no alternative but to use products that may pose a risk to their health. In this way, all against these parasites and true bee predators. Varroa treatment solutions due to their proven effectiveness among formic acid And oxalic acid is often preferred.

When using these solutions, wear respiratory protection to complete acid detectors It is possible to install. For example, the WatchGas UNI is perfectly suited for the detection of formic acid, allowing you to anticipate and protect yourself as much as possible. Nowadays, it is forbidden to clean a beehive with acetic acid. The PortaSens III detector would have made it possible to detect its presence in the past and thus optimize alertness.

Why is a beekeeping respirator used in the fight against Varroa?

Varroa treatment: a tool for occupational diseases of beekeepers

Using chemical products to regulate and eliminate bee parasites and predators to health risks subject to. Indeed, whether you use formic acid or oxalic acid or other products, each agent It has properties that may have negative effects on the health of beekeepers. lesions , chemical burns Many health effects, such as illnesses and other diseases that sometimes occur years later, are associated with the use and handling of these products. Because respiratory protective equipment for beekeepers It is essential to be aware of the risks associated with these chemical products to understand why it is important .

Formic acid respiratory protection

Formic acid , which can be harmful to nestlings and queens. It is an organic acid. It is essential to comply with dosages, precautions and temperatures of use when treating Varroa mites. Since formic acid is toxic to humans adapted beekeeper protective equipment It should be used carefully and properly (gloves, glasses and mask). Indeed, concentrations in air when spraying this acid can reach 400 ppm (parts per million).

Formic acid, which is particularly irritating, is prone to skin contact. severe burns (corrosive effect) or sprayed or with acid vapor serious in contact eye damage why could it be . Moreover, when inhaled Formic acid is extremely harmful to the respiratory tract . In case of absorption, this acid can perforate the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Because, It is essential to wear appropriate beekeeper respiratory protection when treating varroa mites .

Oxalic acid respiratory protection


Also used by beekeepers oxalic acid It is considered an additional treatment. This acid is easy to use and inexpensive. Very effective for treating Varroa mites .

However, just like formic acid, oxalic acid has health-hazardous properties and should be used with caution. This acid used in sublimation is very a volatile and dangerous gas It is heated to 160°C to be transformed.

Oxalic acid, which is irritating and toxic respiratory tract and can be easily absorbed by the skin. Symptoms of the absorption of this substance are many. Ingestion of oxalic acid blood system disorders And to kidney failure It has been proven that it may cause The dangers of oxalic acid don't just affect beekeepers when they treat their hives for Varroa. This acid is also used in other applications such as the metal surface treatment process or as a bleaching agent in the textile, paper or wood industries.

What respiratory protective equipment should be used in beekeeping?

Activities and respiratory protection for beekeepers

Depending on the activities and Varroa treatment process used, beekeeping professionals must be appropriately protected. Even if specialist magazines recommend wearing only simple disposable masks, it is highly recommended for beekeepers to use real respiratory protective masks and half masks due to the toxic nature of chemical products. Respiratory protective half masks and panoramic masks – also called gas masks – equipped with filters specially designed to purify the air from toxic substances that can be inhaled in the ambient air Optimum protection for the beekeeper provides .

In this way, harmful and irritating gases When treating Varroa by sublimation, a full face mask is required. During a drip treatment or when using treatment products, protect the respiratory tract A respirator with a half mask will be sufficient. Additionally, a powered air purifying respirator can also be used by beekeepers to achieve stronger and more comfortable respiratory protection.

Beekeeping respiratory protective devices and filters

Like pesticide respirators for farmers, respirators, half masks, full face masks and powered air purification in the fight against Varroa mites respirators are essential for the safety of workers in the beekeeping industry .


Beekeeper half mask

X-plore 3300 half mask for varroa treatment and preparation It is recommended to be equipped with . This low-maintenance dual cartridge respirator is ideal for beekeepers and provides a wide, unobstructed field of view while being cost-effective.


Beekeeper respirator – full face mask

To protect both the respiratory tract and the upper face, especially the eyes X-plore 5500 full face mask It is recommended to install . Like the half mask, this panoramic mask can be equipped with two EP3 and ABEKK1H2P3 filter cartridges, offering the user a wide field of vision.


Powered air purifying respirator

Finally, for those who require the highest level of air-purifying respiratory protection, Duraflow supported air cleaning system It is the ideal solution to protect against harmful and irritating substances during varroa mite treatment. Featuring a motor and respiratory protection filter, Duraflow reduces the wearer's respiratory effort by injecting clean air directly into the face piece. Thus, it allows longer applications in a safer environment.

Beekeeper respirator filter cartridges

The effectiveness of the air-purifying respiratory protective device depends above all on the filter attached to it. It provides protection against both gases and particles to meet the needs of beekeepers who have to protect their respiratory tract from toxic and irritating substances. combined filters It is recommended to use. In this way, the filters that beekeepers use in their half masks and panoramic gas mask respirators Type E3 and ABEK1HGP3 belongs to . These respiratory filters are effective against organic and inorganic gases and vapors, sulfur dioxide, acids, ammonia, amine compounds and offer suitable respiratory protection against acids used by beekeepers.