Surface Treatment Gas Detection

Gas related risks, metal surface treatment It is present throughout the entire process: during degreasing, pickling, plating and also during silver, copper, gold or nickel plating. Many chemicals and acid products used can have serious consequences on human health.

Major surface treatment gases and acids

Surface treatment processPotential gas and matter
Chemical degreasingHalogenated solvents (methylene chloride, perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene)
Halogen-free solvents (toluene, xylene)
PicklingHighly toxic acids such as chloridric acid, nitric acid or sulfuric acid
Chromating, PassivationChromic acid (Chromium 4), sulfuric acid
PhosphatingPhosphoric acid
Metalworking (silver, copper, gold or nickel plating)Acid and cyanide compounds (primarily hydrogen cyanide)

You can find any information about these gases and acids in our INFORMATION ABOUT GAS section. These pages collect the basic physical and chemical properties of gases, their effects on health, and equipment for protection and detection.

⇒ Adjust gas detection equipment according to the gas. see

Gas detection for surface treatment

Surface treatment fixed gas detector units need to be installed close to processing tanks to measure and control the possible presence of toxic and corrosive gases. Health and safety committees also often require traceability of the air quality of work environments. The installation of these fixed gas detection devices can provide a suitable warning system and also ensure compliance.

Worker respiratory protection for surface treatment

In case of emergency – presence of toxic gas in the working atmosphere – or for short-term work in polluted areas; respiratory protective equipment must wear. Workers often wear a full-face respirator (since most acids irritate the eyes), a powered air-purifying respirator, or even in the case of severe concentrations of toxic gases. a self-contained breathing apparatus They use ( SCBA ).

Surface treatment gas detection solutions

Many chemical, corrosive, especially toxic and sometimes carcinogenic products are used for surface treatment. Recommended here gas detection And respiratory protection You can find our devices.