Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see small stainless steel cartridges on the ground in large areas and public places. These cartridges, which originally contain nitrous oxide, are being used as a new recreational drug because they create an instant feeling of euphoria when inhaled.

nitrous oxide


Nitrogen oxide (N2O) is also known as dinitrogen monoxide, nitrogen hemioxide, but specifically “ laughing gas ” also known as . Nitrous oxide is a gas that comes from natural sources, especially soils and oceans. It is a colorless gas with a slightly sweet odor and is heavier than air.

To use

Nitrous oxide, originally used in medicine It is a psychotropic gas. Especially in short-term anesthesia It is used as an analgesic or anesthetic. This gas allows to reduce pain without creating a state of complete unconsciousness.

It is one of the oldest volatile substances used in medicine for anesthetic purposes, so it is subject to pharmaceutical regulation. To achieve its anesthetic qualities it must be combined with other volatile anesthetics or administered intravenously. Primary purpose of nitrous oxide to increase the potency of other anesthetics . It is mostly administered via inhalation and for better effectiveness with oxygen is mixed.


In this sector of activity, nitrogen oxide (N2O) comes in the form of liquefied gas contained in cylinders consisting of 90% liquid and 10% gas.

Nitrous oxide is also used in cream siphons in the food industry. propellant It is widely used. It comes in small stainless steel cartridges and can be purchased at most food stores. Therefore, it is very easy to obtain and not very expensive.

Finally, this gas, nitrogen oxide, is flammable in the automotive industry. Can also be used as . This makes it possible to increase the power of cars' engines in auto racing.

Recreational use of nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas”, “proto” or “bubbles”, has become widespread among young people. of this gas euphoric effects It has been known for decades and some people use it regularly. But in the last 4 years we have started to hear more about it as its use has increased and it has caused a lot of damage. Inhalation of laughing gas is mostly seen among young people and in festive environments.

Laughing gas: Function creep of nitrous oxide

nitrous oxide This function creep is achieved by breathing gas through a balloon inflated with nitrogen oxide cylinders or cartridges. This inflated balloon is then inhaled. It is consumed through a balloon because this gas is relatively cold and will cause burns if inhaled directly from the cartridge.
Nitrous gas is stored in liquid form in cylinders or metal cartridges, available for free sale in France. Inhaling it changes the tone and creates an instant feeling of euphoria and satiety. Consumers get into the habit of consuming several “bubbles” in the same time period because the effects are immediate. And is very short term (2 to 3 minutes).

In November 2021, ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety) and ANSM (National Agency for Medicines and Healthcare Products Safety) gave more than alarming figures. These organizations state in a report that “134 cases were reported to poison prevention centers in 2020, against 46 in 2019, and 254 cases were reported to addiction surveillance centers in 2020, against 47 in 2019.”
According to their study, most of these gassings affect young adults between the ages of 21 and 22. The increase in consumption among minors is also important (20% of poisoning cases recorded in 2020 versus 13.6 in 2019). Abuse And excessive consumption
cases are constantly increasing. Consumers now tend to purchase nitrogen oxide cylinders directly, which is equivalent to about 100 conventional cartridges used for kitchen flushes.

Risks of laughing gas

Certain risks and accidents can occur immediately when laughing gas is consumed. We observe loss of consciousness, a type of disorientation that can lead to falls. The risk of loss of cough reflex and the risk of asphyxia due to lack of oxygen must also be taken into account. Less serious side effects such as nausea, headache, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur.

Recreational use of laughing gas poses risks to both health and the environment.

Health risks

If risks can arise with timely inhalation, it is clear that repeated and regular consumption will be even more dangerous and risky. The risk of drowning still exists, and cardiovascular complications (e.g. heart rhythm disturbances), psychic disorders (e.g. addiction) and neurological damage, which can be serious, are added to the list of risks that arise. These can cause irreversible damage to consumers' health and even lead to death.

It should also be noted that in addition to the risks consumers take for their own health, they also pose a danger to others during “irresponsible” consumption. Many cases of driving under the influence of this psychotropic gas have been observed, with the majority of cases resulting in serious or fatal road accidents.

Environmental risks

In addition to its negative effects on health, nitrogen oxide also has a certain impact on the environment.

These gas emissions have a direct and very significant impact on the environment.
Although initially this gas came from natural sources, over more than a century the quantities produced have become extremely significant due to human activities.

Main sources of N2O emissions 

To understand the environmental effects of nitrous oxide, we first need to understand its emission sources in nature. Indeed, the agricultural sector is the main source of nitrogen oxide emissions, representing approximately 90% of emissions of this gas. Nitrogen fertilizers through the process of nitrification and denitrification of soils, leading to the emission of nitrous oxide
It is the use of nitrogenous substances such as. Processing of crop residues is also a cause of these gas emissions.

The agricultural sector is not the only activity that releases nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere and soil; the chemical industry is also responsible. It accounts for 5% of nitrogen oxide emissions and is therefore the second main source of emissions of this gas. In this case, nitrogen oxide reacts with certain acids ( nitric acids and adipic acids).

Direct effects on the environment

This is caused by a gradual, continuous and consistent increase in the concentration of nitrogen oxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, in the air. Indeed, it is considered the third main greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. It has a strong “warming” potential. When in air (with equivalent mass) It is 25 times higher than CH4 and 300 times higher than CO2.

In addition to the air pollution produced by the gas itself, street pollution is an additional problem. Used nitrogen oxide cartridges used for recreational purposes are often left on the ground and not disposed of in trash cans or containers.

Protection solutions

In case of regulated use of nitrous oxide (agricultural sector, chemical or automotive industry), precautions are necessary. It is possible to use gas detectors to be warned if there is an excessive amount of gas in the air. NS2 ATEX gas detector for safe areas NB3 fixed gas transmitter, B12 Devices such as the gas transmitter sensor or OLCT100 are ideal for calibration and other gas tests. If the gas is present in large amounts in the air, M20.2, Oxy SR30, Saver, SK1203 masks and air purification systems
You should immediately equip yourself with adequate respiratory protection such as:

Protection And from security Speaking of which, there is a need to improve the provision of information to young people about the abuses associated with the recreational use of this gas because it is harmful and dangerous.
On June 1, 2021, a law was adopted to prevent and warn the use of nitrogen oxide. This law prohibits the sale of this gas to minors.

One gas mask filter – like all other filters – it has a limited shelf life and breakthrough time It is called . This means that the carbon granules are now cannot absorb a pollutant (toxic gas) time occurs. As a result, the user can no longer breathe clean filtered air.

One gas mask filter, It has a microporous structure made of carbon with a very large absorption surface in a small cartridge. Thanks to this technology, filters contain less carbon (220 to 230 mL), which reduces weight and breathing effort. Tables with theoretical shelf lives are available, but they should never be taken. Indeed, the shelf life of a gas filter depends on various factors.

Factors affecting gas filter shelf life

  • gas concentration : Higher concentrations rapidly accumulate the pollutant in carbon, accelerating the elimination time.
  • Filtered air flow or respiratory rate : theoretical shelf lives are determined based on an air flow of 30 liters per minute. A higher respiratory rate will reduce excretion time.
  • Heat : If the operating temperature increases, the shelf life of the gas filter will decrease
  • Relative humidity : VOC’ler High humidity will accelerate excretion time. The opposite effect occurs for some gases such as ammonia (nh3) or hydrogen sulfide (h2s).
  • Shocks : Shocks in a breathing cartridge have harmful effects. Because they pack the granules, shocks will reduce their absorption power

Gas mask filter shelf life calculation

There is a formula for calculating the shelf life of a gas filter:

Shelf life = (1 000 000 x filter capacity*) / (respiration rate x gas concentration)

* Filter capacity depends on the manufacturer. Available on technical information pages.

Breakthrough time of gas mask filter

Gas filters for negative pressure breathing apparatus

Test preface: Gas masks (negative pressure) test gas concentrations were set at 1,000 ppm (0.1 vol%) for class 1 and 5,000 ppm (0.5 vol%) for class 2.

Spasciani DIN Rd40 filters Fits most EN 148-1 approved gas masks with 40 mm universal thread.

Filter typetest gasbreakthrough time
1st ClassClass 2
ACyclohexane (C6H12)70 dk35 min
BChlorine (Cl2)20 minutes20 minutes
BHydrogen sulfide (H2S)40 min40 min
BHydrogen cyanide (HCN)25 min25 min
ESulfur dioxide (SO2)20 minutes20 minutes
KAmmonia (NH3)50 min40 min

Gas filters for powered air-purifying respirators

Test preface: PAPR masks Test gas concentrations were set at 500 ppm (0.05 vol%) for class 1 and 1,000 ppm (0.1 vol%) for class 2.

Filter typetest gasbreakthrough time
1st ClassClass 2
ACyclohexane (C6H12)70 dk35 min
BChlorine (Cl2)20 minutes20 minutes
BHydrogen sulfide (H2S)40 min40 min
BHydrogen cyanide (HCN)25 min25 min
ESulfur dioxide (SO2)20 minutes20 minutes
KAmmonia (NH3)50 min40 min

Breakthrough times of special filters (AX and Hg-P3)

Filter typetest gasgas concentrationbreakthrough time
AXIsobutane (C4H10)2.500 ppm50 min
Hg-P3mercury vapor1.6 ml/mg100 hours

What is land spread?

widely held in France land spread is an agricultural practice consisting in the spread of chemical or organic substances of agricultural interest (fertilizers, organic substances, pesticides, etc.) on cultivated areas and agricultural lands (fields, forests, etc.).
The practice of land spreading, which has been a source of concern, is now at the center of a variety of ecological and health problems associated with microbiological and chemical hazards.

What does “phytosanitary” mean?

First of all, we think it is important to analyze the word “phytosanitary”. Phyto-, from the Ancient Greek word “φυτόν”, is a prefix used for words related to the plant world. Because of the crisis we have endured since 2020, the word “sanitary” (Latin sanitas, health) no longer carries any secrets for us: it refers to everything related to hygiene and the protection of public health. Because
“phytosanitary” refers to something related to maintaining plant health. However, this practice is not without controversy: phytosanitary products If it aims to guarantee the good health of plants, it expresses the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdangers to chemical products and therefore to the population.

Use of phytosanitary products

Phytosanitary products, of natural or chemical origin, are also known as “phytopharmaceutical products” and are used mainly to increase efficiency. in soil fertilization is used. There are various families of phytosanitary products aimed at protecting plant species, such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides (against fungi), molluscicides (against slugs and snails), rodenticides (destroying rodents).

Phytosanitary substances It usually works by eliminating or controlling specific pests. Indeed, certain parasites such as “weeds”, bacteria or even animals can limit the tillability of the soil and thus affect the yield. Some of these plants may also pose a risk to humans or animals if usage precautions are not followed.

How can you protect yourself from the spread of phytosanitary products?

Whether you are a farmer or live near a cultivated field, it is essential to take necessary precautions and follow the correct procedures to protect yourself when spraying and other chemical-based treatments. Among the preventive measures KKD ( Personal Protective Equipment ) and wearing respiratory protection equipment. Filtering devices cover several product categories and their appropriate use:

  • Half masks as basic minimum protection . These only cover the lower part of the face (nose and mouth). However, there are two major restrictions on their use: the substances to be filtered must not irritate the eyes, such as chlorine, ammonia or nitric acid. Filter cartridges should not exceed 300 grams, which sometimes limits their combined gas and particle (including dust) configurations.
  • full face masks It is used as intermediate protection. They cover the entire face (nose, mouth and eyes). They are especially suitable for use in toxic environments that pose a potential danger to eye mucous membranes. With 5 attachment points to secure the face, they can support filter cartridges weighing more than 300 grams and are therefore more effective as they have more filtering elements.
  • Powered air purifying respirators More detailed filtering are respiratory protection devices. Their main advantage is the reduction of respiratory effort, which is reduced by a powered ventilator that delivers filtered air directly to the facepiece (full face mask or cap) through a coiled hose. For this reason, such devices are preferred for challenging, tiring and long-term work.

For effective respiratory protection, depending on the type of product used, in most cases the A2-P3 filter cartridge (against organic gases and vapors, fine particles and dust, viruses and bacteria) is preferred in combination with a half mask, full face mask or powered ventilation device.

In addition to these filtering devices, a chemical protection suit can be very useful. Whether reusable or disposable, sold individually or in lots, the combination must be the right size to ensure freedom of movement.

In addition to these filtration devices, a hazmat suit such as the NS series disposable coverall will be valuable. Whether reusable or disposable, whether sold individually or in lots, clothing must be the right size to ensure freedom of movement. The TS series microporous hazmat suit is ergonomically designed to allow the user to move comfortably. In the store or by delivery, you can choose a kit that includes gloves and goggles, providing full protection for skin and eyes. Garment is classified according to a type and class that defines its performance and permeation time. As an alternative to a respirator, you can choose a full-face helmet with visor and work with peace of mind.

The dangers of phytosanitary proliferation

The use of pesticides has undesirable effects on health and the environment. It can harm all kinds of living things (plants and animals).

Several studies have shown that certain extremely toxic elements can promote certain cancers, impair fertility, or even impair the immune or nervous system. Some findings have suggested that contamination is chronic and therefore present all year round, although periods of dissemination begin in spring and end in autumn; The same molecules are found in cities as in rural areas, and banned pesticides (herbicides or others) are always detected in the air.

Its effects on the environment are a major ecological disaster. The pesticides used get into the soil and then pollute the natural environment. In conclusion, animal biodiversity They constitute a major impact factor for (in the short term, certain organisms are poisoned).

Agricultural expansion is a controlled activity

Regulations regarding spraying pesticides near homes are becoming stricter every year. any to spray pesticide Before starting, farmers must comply with many precautions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations:

the power of the wind

Every farmer should measure wind strength before starting to spread pesticides. To avoid spraying outside the sprayed area, the average wind speed should be less than 11 km/h. Beyond this, it is strongly recommended to postpone spraying at the risk of paying a fine. A few years ago a farmer was fined 10,000 euros for spreading pesticide near children's entertainment centres.

Retreat distances for field application


Since 2019 the French government has implemented a land minimum retreat distance between neighboring houses and agricultural land brought . The aim is to ensure a minimum safety distance before applying the plant protection product. In other words, the farmer must respect a minimum distance between the cultivated field and residents living near the propagation areas.

Additionally, the French Ministry of Agriculture announced that measures regarding the use of phytopharmaceutical products in the vineyard may come into force next July. To be continued….

Since July 2022, restrictions have been introduced in France to prevent the possession of plant protection products near cemeteries, sports fields and narrow or hard-to-reach areas. A commission may approve extending the deadline under certain conditions.

The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union are actively working. The data collected will change the previous regulation, allowing us to determine the compatibility of the use of plant protection products and residues with sustainable development. Water quality monitoring is also valuable for warning of contamination.


According to WHO, food, of contamination and remains a major source of exposure to pesticides. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the foods richest in pesticides: apples, cherries, strawberries, clementines, etc.

On the other hand, therefore purchasing fruits and vegetables from organic farming (EU labeled) reduces the risk of contamination. This method of agricultural production excludes the use of chemicals as much as possible and respects the environment: it protects the soil, water table and atmospheric pollution.

KBRN, Chemical , Biological , radiological And Nuclear risks It is a technical term that expresses . Emerging during the Cold War, CBRN protection represents the full range of military and civil defense measures and strategies to confront new types of dangers. These risks arose during World War II: atomic bombs, chemical warfare agents, etc. With the discovery of these new weapons, the term ABC (Atomic, Biological, Chemical) became CBN, then To CBRN transformed .

CBRN protection brings together all measures implemented to protect populations and military forces potentially exposed to CBRN risk and threats. These precautions include CBRN protection, including respiratory protection and skin protection clothing. Personal Protective Equipment , developed specifically for military forces.

Chemical protective clothing

Before choosing the appropriate Chemical Protective Clothing, it is necessary to determine which substances are present in the environment and which ones require protection. Chemical substances are diverse depending on the activity and application area. Troops and individuals who may encounter a CBRN threat or come into contact with these hazardous substances must be trained on each chemical and know its health effects.


Chemical agents, highly toxic liquid, gaseous or solid substances, are listed in two categories: industrial products and chemical weapons. There are various types of chemical agents that pose a CBRN (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical) risk.

First of all, if they are listed according to their effect types;

  • Organophosphorus neurotoxic: It is the most dangerous chemical weapon (e.g. sarin gas, discovered in Germany in 1939 and used during World War II). It penetrates the body through the skin or respiratory tract and causes nervous and vital system dysfunction up to death within minutes.
  • Vesicant liquid: It is an oily chemical substance that burns the skin. It becomes a gas when added to a solvent. It can cause blindness and cancer. It was first synthesized in 1822 and used as a poisonous war gas in Belgium during World War I.
  • Asphyxiating or suffocating gas: A volatile liquid that attacks the oral mucous membranes. Rarely used, we can find some in the form of chlorine or phosgene.
  • Hemotoxic: It is a chemical product that causes asphyxiation by preventing the passage of oxygen in the blood.

They are then classified according to their intended use:

  • Neutralizing chemical agents render ineffective upon exposure. They can be used to disperse the attack during a terrorist threat. In this case, we are talking about chemical weapons (commonly known as CBRN) used in a military context. Among other chemical agents, there are also industrial products that act differently on the body depending on their properties (respiratory toxicity due to chlorine, systemic toxicity due to cyanide).
  • The incapacitating agents thought to be used by terrorists cause temporary mental and physical problems that persist long after exposure.
  • Lethal agents trigger the death of the exposed person. It can be applied in military and terrorist operations.

Choosing the right chemical protective clothing

To choose the right chemical protective clothing, the degree of risk, duration of exposure and the chemical encountered need to be analyzed.

Chemical Protective Clothing, They are indispensable PPE for response teams that may come into contact with chemical vapors, biological aerosols, volatile and hazardous substances. For example, they allow avoiding contact with decontamination agents, contaminated materials, chemical or organic substances.

  • Type 4 chemical suits are the first level of protection. It is impermeable to aerosols but has little resistance to liquids. It is either designed to detect “suspicious dust” or is used as a substrate.
  • Type 3 clothing, called TLD (Light Decontamination Suit), is a disposable coverall. It is made of plastic, is very resistant to liquids and is waterproof. However, you should avoid wearing it for too long. The CHEM 3 garment is splash and liquid resistant and made from an innovative material that offers undeniable comfort.
  • Protective suit for permanent wear (T3P) has several layers, including a layer made of activated carbon. It has a filtering feature and is more comfortable.
  • Permanent protective clothing (S3P) is ideal for fighters who can quickly don it during action in a risky area. Provides 24-hour protection and includes composite jacket, hood and trousers
  • Type 1 chemical protection suit is a complete suit. Among these, the Dräger CPS 7900 and CPS 7800 suits provide optimum protection in extreme conditions. Their ergonomic design allows for compressed air breathing apparatus that can be inside or outside the suit. Clothing designed with an innovative material is resistant to solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals. It also provides effective protection against biological agents, toxic substances and CBRN risks.

respiratory protection

The CBRN mask is an integral part of the respiratory protection package. Manufacturers develop the device according to the guidelines and regulations governing the US NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) CBRN standard.

CBRN Classified Cartridges

The CBRN mask features universal thread (DIN40) to connect a wide range of 40mm filter cartridges in accordance with NATO and European Union guidelines (EN 148-1). As with any filtered respiratory protective equipment, the effectiveness of a CBRN mask depends on the CBRN filter.

The CBRN cartridge has three filters: The first is a separator that separates 98 percent of coarse dust; the second is a filter made of paper that retains particles of biological matter; The third level is the active carbon filter that prevents the remaining gases from leaking.

A CBRN filter, also called a civil protection filter or NATO filter, must be NIOSH certified. It provides protection against biological, radiological and nuclear agents in the air. In addition to this protection, CBRN filters are available across the entire range of ABEK combination filters. They can fit all standard full face masks. For example, a military gas mask will receive an A2B2E2K1-P3 filter for protection against organic and inorganic gases and vapors, acids, ammonia, organic derivatives, solid and liquid particles, and CBRN agents. Therefore, CBRN filters are suitable for the most challenging environments such as civil and military defense interventions.


A CBRN mask, more commonly known as a military gas mask, is a PPE designed to withstand chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear hazards. This respiratory protective equipment is mainly for law enforcement and military.

This PPE, specifically CBRN masks dedicated to military and national civil security applications, is often developed specifically for a country (known as the Soviet gas mask or Israeli military mask). They are not usually commercially available.

The military gas mask provides a high level of protection against nuclear, chemical, radiological and biological factors. It is a full face mask that protects the respiratory tract (nose and mouth) and eyes for maximum safety. The CBRN mask is designed to offer its wearer comfort and the best protection during civil and military security applications. It has a wide field of view, black color to prevent glare and an ergonomic design that provides high performance.

NIOSH CBRN certified, this equipment must meet a number of technical requirements to guarantee its effectiveness: durability and performance of all elements, impact and temperature resistance, filtering, insulation, soundproofing performance, etc.

Independent Breathing Apparatus

It is essential to choose the SCBA that best suits the application area and the risks involved. Therefore, we can find devices specifically designed for decontamination or removal of hazardous substances. These are sturdy, comfortable and flexible so that the user feels comfortable in their movements. SCBAs are versatile, easily configurable and low maintenance.

In addition to SCBAs, some accessories are indispensable in equipment against CBRN risks:

  • CBRN gloves are important because hands are in direct contact with liquid, solid or gaseous chemical elements. Different materials depend on the chemical risks encountered:
    • Nitrile fights against oil and hydrocarbons, but also against bacteria and viruses. Therefore, nitrile gloves are suitable for the chemical, automotive and food industries.
    • Butyl protects against toxic or corrosive chemical splashes and gases. It is very durable and suitable for oil and chemical industries.
    • Cryogenic gloves are designed to protect against cold, such as liquid nitrogen projections.
  • Shoes are generally not waterproof enough to protect against CBRN risks. Therefore, it is necessary to provide boots or over-the-boot shoes that protect the feet from contact with splashes.

An individual CBRN protection kit is available in each country. All armed forces may have protective clothing, identification and detection equipment, and respiratory protection equipment that filters or isolates.

Azotlu Gübre

What is nitrogenous fertilizer?

Nitrogen (N2) is a chemical element that makes up the majority of the earth's atmosphere, making it an essential element for the growth of plants and vegetation. Although it is assimilated by plants in the form of nitrate (NO3), it may still be insufficient for their growth.

In order to get better efficiency, an additional dose of nitrogen should be given to the existing nitrogen dose in the soil.

This nitrogen addition can be accomplished in two different ways:

  • through an organic additive (manure, dung, etc.)
  • through mineral additive (fertilizers containing only one main nutrient such as nitrogen, potassium sulphate or phosphate)

Nitrogenous fertilizer is a mineral made from nitrogen already present in the atmosphere and introduced into the soil.

Nitrogenous fertilizers mainly consist of ammonia (NH3), which is obtained by combining nitrogen (NH3) in the air with hydrogen (H2).

Its role in the growth of plants:

Nitrogen makes up a large part of plants' DNA. In fact, this chemical element is found in all proteins, nucleic acids and various amino acids that make up plants.

If these plants experience color changes or a sudden slowdown in growth, this may be due to nitrogen deficiency, since nitrogen is actively involved in the development of plants and vegetation, especially in their outer parts. Therefore, it is nitrogen (e.g. chlorophyll) that gives them their greenery and leaves.

Below is a list of the main nitrogen fertilizers available:

  • Ammonium nitrate base
  • Ammonium nitrate + urea
  • Ammonium nitrate + urea + ammonium sulfate
  • Urea
  • anhydrous ammonia
  • Ammonium sulfate
  • calcium cyanamide
  • Chile soda nitrate
  • nitrate of lime
  • calcium nitrate

Risks associated with the use of nitrogen fertilizer

The use of nitrogenous fertilizers inevitably brings with it certain risks and dangers. These may include risks of exposure to toxic and chemical substances or explosive materials. They can also be considered a threat to biodiversity and ecology.

Chemical risks

Ammonium nitrate, the main component of nitrogen fertilizer, can be dangerous if you are exposed to it in high concentrations (accidents are still relatively rare in the professional farming industry). Effects that may be observed following high exposure to these chemicals may include eye, mucous membrane and respiratory irritation, cough and breathing difficulties. Tears, pain, vision problems, and other corneal irritations may also occur.

Explosion and fire risks of fertilizers

The same ingredient, ammonium nitrate, is “occasionally explosive,” even though its concentration must be very high to create an explosion. This can occur if ammonium nitrate and other ammonitrates are exposed to a high-energy input (explosive projectiles or flames).

In case of fire or explosion, as nitrogenous fertilizer decomposes, toxic gases (carbon monoxide – CO, carbon dioxide – CO2, ammonia – NH3 or nitrous oxide – NxOy) and some volatile organic compounds are released.

biological risks

In addition to chemical and explosion risks, nitrogenous fertilizers pose certain threats to the environment. Nitrogen residues from nitrogenous fertilizers are believed to be partly responsible for the spread of harmful seaweeds through the process of eutrophication, which causes degradation of surface waters. Decreasing soil fertility due to acidification of the soil is also one of the side effects of using nitrogenous fertilizers. Their use also contributes to global warming due to high nitrogen oxide (N2O) emissions, thus increasing the greenhouse effect. It also participates in the hole in the ozone layer.

Nitrogenous fertilizers encourage pesticide use

Excessive consumption of synthetic fertilizer (nitrogenous fertilizer) can also have negative effects on agriculture itself.

Indeed, its use in very large quantities leads farmers to use high doses of pesticides. Essentially, the more nitrogen fertilizer used on crops, the more nitrates and amino acids are stored in the leaves and tissues of the plants. But the problem is that insects are very fond of these substances and therefore they begin to multiply. Moreover, knowing that these insects can cause serious damage to crops, farmers have no choice but to use enormous amounts of pesticides to neutralize these pests.


How can you protect yourself when using fertilizer?

Nitrogen fertilizer and other pesticides etc. in the agricultural sector. It is necessary to provide adequate protection when using chemical products such as Therefore, the phytosanitary treatment mask is the most effective solution.

Half masks with safety goggles or full face masks designed to provide optimal respiratory and eye protection are available. These masks should be used with A2-P3 respiratory protection cartridges (based on activated carbon). It is also recommended to wear a microporous work suit or a chemical work suit.

Standards and regulations regarding synthetic fertilizers

Like the majority of chemicals, nitrogen fertilizer is subject to strict standards and regulations. The main standard to be followed when producing or using synthetic fertilizers is NFU 42001 of December 1981 for organo-mineral fertilizers. According to this standard, certain marking information must be mandatory on the product (see amendment A10: 2009).

These marking elements may include:

  • title of fertilizer
  • fertilizer type
  • The person responsible for bringing the product to market
  • Net supplied mass
  • Guaranteed contents of fertilizing elements

Why should we wear pesticide masks?

Dangers of phytosanitary products, agricultural chemicals and plant protection agents

Pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers and other substances require special care. Those with psychoactive or natural compounds are often very dangerous to health. Every year, there are many cases of poisoning with serious consequences. Pesticides also cause skin allergies and respiratory system irritation (asthma, respiratory difficulties, etc.). Finally, repeated exposure to these plant protection products can lead to chronic poisoning with possible health consequences (cancer, child health, reproductive system disorders, etc.). This substance spraying, especially class 3 PPE use of ( personal protective equipment ) requires precautions. Masks, gloves, coveralls and respirators provide protection against the harmful effects of these products.

Basic respiratory protective mask

plant protection mask wearing it is essential for protecting your health when spraying and treating pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other chemical-based treatments. Farmers, workers and people involved in treatments, gasmask Must wear a filtered phytosanitary mask, also known as a phytosanitary mask. Half masks are among the best known and most widely used in the agricultural sector (for example, the 3M phytosanitary half mask). However, a full face mask also protects the face and eyes from dangerous splashes.

Whether as a weed killer mask or against insects or pesticides respiratory protection be used as appropriate for the products used. with filter cartridges must be used together.

Filter cartridge for pesticide respirators

Bi or mono cartridge , a plant protection mask an activated carbon based filter requires . The respiratory protection cartridge filters polluted ambient air, protecting the user from poisoning and adverse effects associated with the use of these elements. The choice of filter for plant protection masks depends on the type of substances to which people are exposed. Depending on the product composition, it will be necessary to use a device of type A2-P3 or AX-P3.

On the one hand, the dust, on the other organic gases and vapors Combined A2-P3 cartridges, which filter (boiling point above 65°C), are the most commonly used when spraying herbicides, pesticides or fungicides. The A2-P3 filter prevents farmers and workers from inhaling various toxic substances in the sprayed products. A2-P3 combination filters are available in bayonet and RD DIN40 universal versions.

Depending on the composition of the plant protection product, we can choose an AX-P3 combination cartridge. It provides protection against particles, dust, gases, vapors and organic compounds with boiling points below 65°C. AX-P3 filters for plant protection masks are available as RD DIN 40 universal thread cartridges.

The shipment includes a mask with suitable filters for quick installation.

Choose the appropriate plant protection mask

Before choosing the right product, it is vital to determine the risks involved, know if the mask fits well, get the right size and find out how it can be shipped. Choosing the right PPE will depend on the job at hand. Some are disposable or a reusable ffp filtering mask while others prefer a ventilated full-face helmet with visor. Offering a wide range of devices to meet the needs of various applications, the devices can be sold individually or in a kit. The latter include various accessories, such as goggles to protect the eyes from volatile dust or gloves for sensitive skin.

The price of the device is referenced according to the characteristics and toxicity of the process. Very common devices are often in stock, making it easy to find them in-store or have them shipped via express delivery.

The full range of personal protective equipment offers complete safety against pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Depending on the activity, gloves, PPE clothes , you will choose gowns, coveralls, goggles, reference masks and boots that meet the protection standards for products used in various industries.

Powered air purifying respirator for agricultural chemical processes

Long working hours and demanding jobs involving plant protection products require extra precautions. The ventilated plant protection mask is the ideal solution for such situations. Combined with suitable cartridges motorized air purifying respirator, Provides a constant flow of filtered air to the equipment. Therefore, there is no need for the breathing effort required by a conventional gas mask. The safety and comfort of the user of the ventilated plant protection mask is increased. For operations involving hazardous compounds, powered air purifying masks are recommended for operations exceeding several hours.

While FFP masks are delivered in batches (stock is often available in stores and priced much lower), powered air-purifying respirators are shipped individually. The former is disposable, while the latter is reusable.

Su sanitasyonu ve atık su yönetiminde en sık karşılaşılan gazlar methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), chlorine (Cl2), ozone (O3), carbon dioxide (CO2) and is nitrogen (N2). Many serious gas accidents occur around the world every year. Therefore, several water purification gas detection units It is highly recommended to install and use .

Water PURIFICATION gas detection

4 gas detectors

This is primary It is a 4 gas detector and in wastewater treatment plants sanitation for It is the most widely used device . At the same time methane ( CH4 ), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO) and lack of oxygen (O2) follows. It is also recommended during training for water and wastewater treatment workers.

Ammonia detection

When drying waste sludge (inversion and destocking) release of highly toxic concentrations of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas may occur . For this purpose, for the health and safety of employees It is essential to install NH3 and/or H2S gas detection devices.

Chlorine and ozone detection

Her water purification Tertiary treatment consists of removing residual phosphorus, chemical or biological micropollutants from treated water. Purification techniques can be physical (sieving, microfiltration) or chemical, usually chlorine (Cl2) or ozone via (O3).

Water and wastewater treatment respiratory protection

Emergency escape breathing apparatus – EEBD –

Escape breathing apparatus, open air emergency evacuation It is a special respiratory protection device . This is a half mask or hood equipped with an ABEK-specific filter. It is designed to protect against organic, inorganic (except carbon monoxide), acidic substances, ammonia and sulfur compounds with an autonomy of 15 minutes (evacuation time).

Self-saving mask -SCSR

self-saving mask, especially Designed for emergency evacuation in unbreathable environments It is a respiratory protective equipment . It is recommended during confined space training for any wastewater treatment workers as it is the safest emergency escape device.

Limited Space Training

Any wastewater treatment worker entering a potentially confined space is required to receive confined space training, depending on the level of work.

With local education (in France CATEC® training, indoor certification in the UK or US OSHA such as indoor training), students learn more about safe working practices, appropriate control measurements, and what the regulations say regarding safety in the workplace. After receiving training, water treatment workers become aware of confined space hazards and understand the importance of implementing appropriate control measures and necessary emergency procedures.

Our choice of gas detectors for wastewater treatment

Our gas detectors are ideal for measuring oxygen levels and monitoring concentration levels of methane, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, ozone and carbon monoxide, which are toxic gases found in sewage and wastewater treatment environments.

Escape masks and self-rescue masks for water purification and sanitation

Our leak masks and self-rescuers are designed for use in tight spaces and emergency evacuations. They guarantee respiratory safety for those working in water treatment and sanitation environments.

Alone an employee's status is often misunderstood. Despite this, lone workers represent 10% of workers today, some of whom are affected for a short or one-off period in their working lives.

It is essential to be aware of the risks and take the necessary precautions to prevent accidents, discomfort or aggression towards lone workers. The location of the person concerned makes it possible to trigger and organize quick assistance.

Lone worker protection: Definition

What is a lone worker? Labor law describes the situation in a risky area, far from any help, with no possibility of being visible or audible. Therefore, a person who is cut off from all human contact is considered an isolated worker.

Lone Worker Protection And PASS – Personal Alert Safety System PASS – Personal Alert Safety System

Lone Worker Protection System why ? It is a set of measures taken to protect an isolated employee. The company has a legal obligation to provide a protective solution adapted to each hazard an employee may encounter when out of sight and hearing.

PASS is a warning device! It is an integral part of the Lone Worker Protection System.

Functioning of the Personal Alert Security System

PASS has two basic functions:

  • Warning : When PASS detects a fall, device removal, immobilization, or the presence of toxic gas, it emits a buzzer signal, either manually or automatically by the employee. The responsible third party receives the signal and sends help in case of an alert.
  • Geolocation : For devices with location functionality, send the employee's location using GPS coordinates or data transmitted by a passing flare. It can also detect the employee's last location via login badges.

Applications related to the Lone Worker Protection PASS

Some sectors of activity are more concerned about lone worker device use than others:

  • Cleaning companies: Cleaning staff in companies often have to be on their own outside of working hours in the morning or evening.
  • Construction: Workers, maintenance personnel, craftsmen, technicians and site managers may be alone in a risky environment.
  • Hotels: Night watchman, maintenance worker, handyman, gardener and cleaner; They are people who work alone in the hotel without being seen or heard by anyone.
  • Courier, salesman, road carrier, dismantling worker: Whether short or long distance, they are all left with a single means of communication.
  • Home care: The presence of the person receiving home care is not taken into account because they may not have the capacity to call for help.
  • Farmers, foresters, gardeners: In the wild, they are often out of reach of other people.

What are the risks of someone working alone?

Regardless of the field of activity, the lone worker is always likely to encounter multiple hazards. Therefore, good Personal Protective Equipment To choose, it is necessary to identify all risks before placing a person in hazardous working conditions.

A comprehensive medical risk analysis is required. Existing medical conditions may effectively prevent the employee from performing their duties under these conditions. Moreover, in order to anticipate future problems, it is important to consider that the stress associated with isolation or any other psychological manifestation can lead to a more or less crippling state: symptoms of anxiety or anguish, dizziness, epileptic seizures or even heart problems.

physical risk It includes both verbal and physical abuse. It is essential to consider all possible situations the employee may encounter. Without a witness around, an individual will feel freer to act as he wishes and may engage in practices that could harm the lone worker. Domestic helpers, delivery workers, home repair workers and sales representatives are most affected by such risks.

Some people enjoy working alone, while others experience anxiety, thoughtlessness, abandonment, and frustration. Personal Protective Equipment can help prevent drift, such as drinking alcohol, at work. Because, psychological risks A regular meeting with the employee is recommended to determine whether .

Choosing the right Lone Worker Protection PASS

When a lone working situation is observed, the employer employee safety It is necessary to take various precautions. Therefore the most suitable Lone worker Personal Alert Security System select .

  • Change the organization to reduce the time the employee is isolated.
  • Examine the potential physical, psychological, and medical risks an isolated employee may face (see previous paragraph).
  • Adapt equipment and workstation.
  • Adapt equipment and workstation.
  • “Dead man” device, can detect the employee's abnormal position, immobility, or loss of verticality, or both (“smart” detection).
  • SOS button It is confidential and allows the employee to raise the alarm quickly. Jewelers, banks and small shops are often equipped with them.
  • Fall detector, It is triggered when the employee falls. It quickly turns off the pre-alarm if it is a wrong move or if the employee can return to work.
  • Involve employees in Lone Worker Device selection. As key players in wearing this protective device, they can identify risks based on the work area. Additionally, this gives them significant recognition.
  • Provide training to relevant staff on risk prevention, lone workers, members of the CSE (Social and Economic Committee) and those responsible for calling for help on how to use PASS correctly.

Besides the above-mentioned functionalities, choosing a good PASS for safe stand-alone operation depends on the environment and its features.

Different mobile devices carried by a single employee:

  • Smartphone: The most commonly used PASS. A simple Bluetooth connection allows instant detection of the isolated person's location. Locating a device or phone can also alert an employee to distress.
  • GSM phone : Takes the form of a mobile phone or smartphone. It provides different emergency alerts by detecting danger or inactivity (dead man device for isolated workers). The GSM network allows sending signals from the SIM card to a relay antenna. Since the response is very approximate, an external GPS must be added to this geolocation system.
  • Connected clock: Sends alarm in case of workplace aggression
  • Radio : Radio solution to report and explain the situation
  • Lone Worker Protection App : By connecting to a GSM phone or connected watch, it ensures security by immobilizing the victim and informing him of his location.
  • DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) phone: same principle as cordless phone. It has special functions for the protection of a lone worker, transmits an alarm and adjusts the position of the worker.
  • ATEX Lone Worker Protection System : ATEX is a warning device specially designed for explosive areas.

Organizing the implementation of the Personal Alert Security System

In order to distribute aid quickly and effectively, it is essential to define some elements: target, elimination of doubt, geographical location, risks, means of access, persons responding, rescue.

The employer must check the correct use of the protection device throughout the year and ensure that it is in working order at all times.

Lone Worker Protection PASS Its installation is a must as soon as the situation of an isolated employee is identified. This system requires strict regulations for employee protection that the employer must comply with. He is obliged to protect his employees and must take the necessary precautions when he detects dangerous tasks within the company. While tracking the location of lone workers in real time may seem restrictive and misinterpreted, it allows help to be deployed quickly if an accident, attack, or illness occurs.

CO2 risk in winemaking It is a great danger. Indeed, during alcoholic fermentation of wort 1 liter of wine will produce 44 liters of CO2 ! Other secondary compounds such as ethanol, glycerol, succinic acid and aromatic compounds (esters) will also be released. The danger of SO2 during the last step, sulfation, is another important risk…

Danger of CO2 in winemaking

wine making The greatest danger during the process (pressing, wort fermentation, devatting, tank cleaning) carbon dioxide It is related to the release. This dangerous gas is both suffocating and poisonous. CO2 (carbon dioxide) – carbonic gas Also known as – is a colorless and odorless gas that is heavier than air.

Decrease in oxygen content, It is not a reliable indicator of the presence of CO2 in the air. It is indeed possible to have a sufficient oxygen content of 19% and a dangerous – or lethal – CO2 concentration level of 10%. Monitoring this gas with a CO2 monitor, especially for wineries must . This device can be a portable gas detector (as personal protective equipment) or a fixed CO2 gas detector installed in wineries.

SO2 danger in sulfidation

Sulfur dioxide It is used in various stages of winemaking. Its antiseptic properties prevent the production of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria. Its presence in bottles prevents a second wine fermentation or vinegar production. Sulfur dioxide is also an antioxidant that prevents wine from taking on a cider taste.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) It is most commonly used in the final step – bottling. During this process, many precautionary principles should be adopted. Sulfur dioxide, which is also corrosive and harmful, is above all an R23 and R24 toxic gas. This means it is toxic when inhaled and causes respiratory irritations and burn injuries.

CO2 danger in the brewery

One of the biggest dangers in the fermented beverage industry is entering a confined space filled with gases produced or accidentally released during brewing. Leaks can also release other harmful gases, such as ammonia used in cooling systems.

Risk of CO2 poisoning for brewery workers, It persists throughout the beer-making process. During fermentation, brewer's yeast converts sugar into alcohol and releases carbon dioxide. CO2 can cause discomfort even at low concentrations.

Before entering a tank or other enclosed space in breweries, the CO2 concentration should be measured using an appropriate CO2 monitor. This is the only reliable method of checking whether the CO2 concentration is truly at a safe level. CO2 must then be completely removed, especially in beer fermentation tank rooms.

Both portable and fixed CO2 detectors can be used for CO2 monitoring to improve brewery safety. In some countries, CO2 hazards in the beer industry are regulated by associations and official government bodies. Like OSHA brewery regulations that ensure the safety of breweries and brewery workers in the US.

Ethanol and alcoholic fermentation

Fermentation converts grape juice into ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is a natural chemical process where it is converted into . This process results from the reaction of the sugar in the grape pomace and the yeast found in the grape seed skin. Since ethanol (C2H6O) vapors can explode , they pose a potential explosion risk in case of leakage. Therefore, in order to reduce the dangers of ethanol, we must prevent the presence of this gas. Monitoring with a flammable gas detection device is highly recommended.

Winemaking and brewery gas detection equipment

For the winemaking and brewing industries, a portable CO2 detector It is essential to use one every day for this crash test is necessary. For larger structures, a CO2 fixed system should be installed along with any necessary warning devices…

Asbestos is a poisonous and dangerous dust

Asbestos It is not a gas, it is a tiny and extremely volatile It is a powder composed of filaments. Used in pipes, corrugated sheets, connectors, insulation, coating, flocking, etc. can be found. Any work done on these materials extremely thin hazardous materials has the possibility of spreading.

Once inhaled, fire-resistant fibers are deposited deep into the lungs (pulmonary alveoli). In case of chronic exposure, this dust serious respiratory diseases why could it be . larynx or lung with exposure to asbestos cancer risks The causality between them has been confirmed by IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer). These diseases occur 10 to 20 years after chronic exposure to the substance.

The European Union now estimates that approximately 80% of occupational cancers are asbestos-related. In 2019, 70,000 people died due to exposure to this toxin.

Asbestos regulations and removal

The decree of 7 March 2013 concerns the selection, maintenance and verification of PPE used during operations that involve a risk of exposure for employees and freelancers. The decree, published in the Journal Officiel dated March 14, 2013, requires employers to provide respirators that protect against asbestos.

In the field of safety, when working with this fiber (asbestos removal works), three categories of dust in workplaces need to be taken into account, which means rating the tools to be applied in order to choose the right product.

  • Level 1 : Exposure to asbestos below occupational exposure limit value* (OELV)
  • Level 2 : Exposure to asbestos above OELV and below 60 times OELV
  • Level 3 : Asbestos exposure 250 times OELV or less

Current VLEP on asbestos exposure as of 1 July 2015 per liter Reduced from 100 fibers to 10 fibers.

The European Commission wants to expand the standard set by France throughout the EU. Many professionals planning to renovate nearly 3 million buildings by 2030 are likely to face health risks. New standards will provide equal protection in all countries

Asbestos respiratory protection equipment

Depending on the amount of particulate matter present in the air (and hence the degree of danger), there are three product categories specializing in asbestos masks as reusable respiratory protection:

  • Level 1 (lowest): Gas mask respirators or negative pressure masks. Profile 40 like half mask or Sari or Vision like full mask , With P3 asbestos filter  (filter against fine dust, aerosol, viruses or bacteria) equipped
  • Level 2 (middle): Proflow 2SC Asbestos One or more motorized air purifying masks with a flow rate of at least 160 l/min, such as with P3 filter Equipped . Lightweight and compact, it offers optimum comfort and is perfectly suitable for long-term asbestos removal operations
  • Level 3 (high concentration): From compressed air network or compressed air cylinders (breathing air cart) ( RAS Asbestos etc.) supplied air breathing system (mask with valve). It can be associated with a connection system for a breathing air supply hose and a connection device for an RD40 filter cartridge.

Due to this fiber, a wide range of security systems are available depending on the dust degree and risk analysis of workplaces. For the lowest levels, simple masks ( such as ffp dust masks), motorized air purifying masks ve en yüksek seviyeler için to air supply systems We can find everything.

Numerous accessories, such as high-seal valves or clothing accessories, improve the performance of these respirators.

Asbestos protective clothing

Hazmat suits are PPE suits that offer a waterproof seal to prevent contact between skin and particles . Disposable coveralls help prevent dust from spreading to other clothing. A type 5 disposable garment manufactured according to standard EN 13982-1 is suitable for protection against airborne asbestos dust. Hooded clothing that closes around the neck, ankles and wrists is preferred. Since asbestos removal work often takes a very long time, the material chosen must be breathable and easy to move around in.

Depending on the type of application, you can choose a single garment or a kit that includes all the accessories you need to protect yourself from this powerful fiber. Indeed, the use of waterproof gloves, goggles, appropriate footwear (safety boots or disposable shoe covers) or a special helmet for certain workplaces may be indispensable. This is the perfect complement to a P3 or FFP3 filter mask.

Some professionals also use Alfa bags specifically designed to handle small amounts of asbestos dust, which comply with standards that authorize the removal of asbestos waste.

Which sectors are most affected?

The construction industry is the sector most exposed to asbestos. Professionals working in asbestos removal, whether homes or offices, need this type of equipment.
Waste management workers are the second most exposed sector.

Some industries have secondary contact with asbestos:

  • Plumbers, electricians, heating engineers, air conditioners
  • Mechanics for light and heavy vehicles
  • kitchen installers

All companies that work with asbestos-containing materials have a process to remove all traces of fibers from their clothing. SAS decontamination system should use . Asbestos masks can also be used in building painting jobs. The stock of this PPE is always replenished to meet the needs of the relevant companies, ensuring its safety.

Our range of asbestos respiratory protection equipment

Various depending on dust levels asbestos respiratory protection equipment: from the classic asbestos respirator for level 1 to the powered air purifying respirator for level 2 and asbestos-fed air respirator systems for level 3.