Hydrogen peroxide It is a colorless liquid usually found in aqueous solutions. Conceived by chemist Louis Jacques Thénard in 1818, it resulted from the reaction of barium peroxide with nitric acid. It was then cured with hydrochloric acid and then sulfuric acid.

The disinfectant properties of hydrogen peroxide make it a frequently used product in the medical or pharmaceutical industry. Hydrogen peroxide addresses the need for sterilization and biodecontamination of reusable instruments in research laboratories and pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities. However, the use of this chemical element poses some dangers and requires gas detection and respiratory protection equipment.

Disinfection and biological decontamination with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide in the medical environment

In the medical world to provide care, prevent infections, and prevent cross-contamination. Sterilization of care equipment is essential. Again disinfection of usable medical equipment with water vapor or It is carried out with hydrogen peroxide. The technique using H2O2 is widely used because using an autoclave (water vapor pressurized hermetic chamber) at high temperatures can damage the material to be sterilized, such as plastic or some complex or fragile medical instruments. For example, hydrogen peroxide disinfection is used for catheters, endoscopes, and surgical instruments.

Hydrogen peroxide sterilization The technique is performed at cold and low pressure by exposing medical equipment to this gas. medical instruments plasma sterilizer Cleaning using , destroys infectious agents quickly and easily (approximately 1 to 2 hours after cleaning the equipment). The instruments to be disinfected are placed in a vacuum chamber and then to evaporated or gaseous H2O2 is subjected to . A hydrogen peroxide plasma phase is produced by an electromagnetic field. It is during this reaction that bacterial cells are destroyed and the instruments are completely sterilized. After ventilation, the chamber can finally be opened and the sterilized material can be reused.

Hydrogen peroxide in the pharmaceutical industry

H2O2 is also used in the pharmaceutical industry biological decontamination It may also be useful for . For many pharmaceutical applications (research, production, control, etc.), contamination risk control is an important issue. These activities, for example the production of sterile medicines, require clean room implementation with reference to the ISO 14644 standard. Therefore the pharmaceutical industry operates controlled atmosphere zones (CAZs) and risks of microbial contamination And biological decontamination processes requires control. These include pharmaceutical manufacturing workshops, stability rooms, clean rooms, transfer rooms, isolators and some warehouses.*

Although the principle of gas disinfection has been known since ancient times (sulfur, arsenic, hydrochloric acid) and after the operation of different gases such as ethylene oxide (ETO) or formaldehyde, today the pharmaceutical industry prefers hydrogen peroxide for bio-decontamination processes of clean areas. Not only is this substance a disinfectant, but food grade H2O2 is the most economical and environmentally friendly of all cleaning materials.

Sterilization of clean rooms hydrogen peroxide fumigation is accomplished by H2O2 evaporation or dispersing a solution in H2O2 aerosol droplets. It is essential to meticulously clean the areas with disinfectant liquid. Hygiene measures include treating a room with automatic disinfection machines to destroy all types of microbial and bacterial contamination present in a room, thereby decontaminating the entire environment. Airborne decontamination procedures It requires high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (up to 35%) in a room and must be performed in a closed area without any personnel.

Danger of H2O2 in the medical and pharmaceutical industry

Hydrogen peroxide properties

Hydrogen peroxide, CAS 7722-84-1, also known as hydrogen peroxide, is widely used in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. H2O2 is a toxic, corrosive and oxidizing element. Its corrosive and toxic properties make it An excellent biocide for sterilization and bio-decontamination does . The medical and pharmaceutical industries use hydrogen peroxide specifically for its oxidizing properties, which enable it to act as an antiseptic. It is also used in the food industry (packaging sterilization), water purification and the paper industry (pulp bleaching). To protect workers from these dangerous gas properties, French health authorities Established 1ppm OELP (8-hour occupational exposure limit value).

H2O2 hazards in biodecontamination

The use of hydrogen peroxide in the medical and pharmaceutical industries poses a danger to many professionals working in these fields. The use of oxygenated liquid as a sterilization and biological decontamination agent chronic or accidental acute exposure to hazardous concentrations may contain . Malfunction or misuse of machinery, non-compliance with safety procedures or misuse of H2O2 solutions can lead to gas leakage and dangerous health effects in humans.

Chronic exposure to low concentrations of H2O2 causes skin irritation, hair graying, and respiratory irritation. Exposure to high concentrations may cause significant inhalation of hydrogen peroxide vapors, which may lead to severe respiratory distress, loss of consciousness, or fatal systemic poisoning.

Hydrogen peroxide detectors

Hydrogen peroxide detectors for disinfection

Due to the dangers of hydrogen peroxide, safety precautions must be taken in medical and pharmaceutical environments where this gas is used.

Among these safety measures, detecting and monitoring the concentrations of this gas is an indispensable action. Various measuring solutions are used for this purpose:

  • Portable H2O2 detector : portable and practical, a portable hydrogen peroxide detector such as the X-am 5100 or the WatchGas PDM+ immediately alerts its user to whatever danger may be. The Portasens III detector enables extremely precise measurement of concentrations and leaks in sterilization equipment with its sampling probe and replaceable sensors.
  • Fixed hydrogen peroxide detectors : Ideal for monitoring bio-decontamination processes in the pharmaceutical industry, a fixed B12 detector for the safe area installed in the treatment room and connected to a gas controller outside the room guarantees continuous monitoring of the gas concentration. For ATEX zones, KwikSente Lite and KwikSense Pro (SIL2) are preferred.
  • Colorimetric reagent tubes : cheap and easy to use, helping to quickly measure the concentration of these substances, for example after a decontamination process, to dispel any doubts before entering a treated room. Whether Gastec reagent tubes or Dräger tubes, colorimetric tubes are precise, economical devices that do not require special skills.
  • Gas detectors equipped with a sampling pump: Highly appreciated by industry, laboratories, water treatment, pollution control facilities and the semiconductor industry. The SI-H100 gas detector with integrated sampling pump captures and analyzes toxic substances from up to 30 meters away.

Respiratory protective equipment for biodecontamination

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) decontamination, strict safety precautions and appropriate respiratory protection equipment requires . Whether for disinfection of industrial furniture in the pharmaceutical industry or for use in emergency interventions, a range of devices are required to ensure worker safety.

Biodecontamination using hydrogen peroxide vapor is a very effective method to eliminate harmful microorganisms and residues in controlled contamination environments such as clean rooms and laboratories. However, this method presents significant health risks if inhaled, such as skin burns and irreparable respiratory damage. for H2O2 occupational exposure limit (OEL) is usually set at 1 ppm, highlighting the need to rigorously monitor exposure levels.

The daily use of hazardous substances in the pharmaceutical industry exposes workers to the risk of contamination. Residues and microorganisms can affect employee health, product quality and hygiene. To avoid these risks, workers must wear special PPE, such as hazmat suits and full-face masks connected to respirators. For example, Dräger offers appropriate respiratory protection with the X-Plore 6300 full-face mask fitted with the ABEK2Hg-P3 cartridge or the X-Plore 8000 powered air purifier with a filter of the same type for long-term operation and combined with various facepieces to H2O2 vapors Provides effective protection against.

When personnel must work in environments with high H2O2 concentration, appropriate respiratory protection equipment It is vital to use . Working in controlled environments requires an air supply system to provide a constant flow of breathable air. In an emergency, a self-contained breathing apparatus (for maximum protection) SCBA) is required. Additionally, to ensure quick and safe evacuation Emergency evacuation devices, such as self-rescue masks, should be available.

Finally, in addition to respiratory equipment, HAZMAT suits Other such as (CHEM1, CHEM3, CPS 5800) category 3 PPE is necessary . Made from durable materials, these garments insulate the body and prevent contact with hydrogen peroxide and other hazardous substances.

WHO (World Health Organization) states that coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause diseases ranging from a simple cold to more serious pathologies such as MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) or SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). The virus identified in China is a new coronavirus. It has been named 2019-nCoV.

coronavirus symptoms

The main symptoms are fever and cough or shortness of breath. In more severe cases, the patient may experience acute respiratory distress, acute renal failure, or even multivisceral insufficiency, which can lead to death. The incubation period, the time between exposure to the virus and the appearance of the first symptoms, is estimated to be between 10 and 14 days.

coronavirus transmission

Coronaviruses spread from person to person through close contact or respiratory secretions (coughing, sneezing). Touching an object or surface that has come into contact with the virus and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes before washing your hands can also spread the coronavirus.

Flu mask race against coronavirus

The demand for “coronavirus masks” increased very sharply in mid-January after the virus spread around the world. The coronavirus outbreak, first declared in the Hubei region of China on December 31, 2019, has now reached several thousand people infected in China, and there are now cases of transmission in many other countries.

In the face of the rapid spread of the coronavirus, it is strongly recommended to take comprehensive preventive measures and pay particular attention to the following:

  • Limit travel to risk areas whenever possible.
  • Frequently use hydroalcohol solution for hand disinfection.
  • Use disposable wipes.
  • Wear an FFP2 or FFP3 class face mask to protect yourself from the virus but also stay away from possible contamination.

In recent days, many observers have noted a “mad rush” in sales of masks against the coronavirus, with a shortage of face masks in pharmacies and many wholesalers. Faced with this equipment race, it is important to understand the actual function of a flu mask.

Flu mask – protective face mask

FFP3 protection class

Disposable masks, more commonly known as ” dust masks ”, are respiratory protective devices popular in dusty environments or environments with toxic substances such as viruses (avian flu, H1N1, Coronavirus, etc.) or bacteria. They are governed by the EN149:2001 standard, which defines 3 protection classes (FFP1, FFP2 or FFP3) according to their ability to retain solid and/or liquid particles such as aerosols. FFP3 class is the most efficient (> 99% filtration) and therefore should be preferred based on the principle of “he who can do the most, can do the least”.

Why disposable mask?

First of all, it is common sense. In cases of increased contamination risks, disposable wipes, such as disposable masks, will be preferred. Masks are one of the best protections against the risks of chemical or biological contamination. They are used for a certain period of time and thrown away after use. It is important for safety to make sure you use hydro alcohol solution before and after safe insertion and disposal.

Why breathing valve?


For use lasting more than tens of minutes, the use of an FFP3 mask with an exhalation valve is strongly recommended. The exhalation valve expels warm and moist exhaled air, thus preventing heat and condensation from accumulating under the mask. In short, the flu mask with valve ensures that its user stays in a cool and healthy environment. Breathing is particularly easy thanks to the very low breathing resistance (thanks to the valve).

Our tips and suggestions

Many colleagues recommend using at least a disposable FFP2 mask. As mentioned above, we are more likely to recommend the use of FFP3 masks, which filter out maximum 99% of particles and aerosols with an exhalation valve for better hygiene and increased comfort. Two models caught our attention: the X -plore 1930 V mask, a foldable version, and the GVS Elipse mask, available on our website SafetyGas.com, a reusable version.

Cleaning respiratory protection masks

The facepiece of a respirator (a gas mask, half mask, full face mask, or hood) is the most sensitive piece of equipment because it is in close contact with the breathing user. Over time and with repeated use, this part can become dirty and contaminated with dust, condensation, sweat, and even bacteria.

of the mask In addition to maintenance and annual control Regular cleaning is also a hygienic issue;

  • Eliminate dust, dirt and bacteria build-up
  • Prevent fungal growth
  • Reduce device replacement costs
  • Maintain the protective performance of equipment
  • Assure the user that the mask is clean and healthy

Mask cleaning with disinfectant wipes

At least, mask cleaning It can be done using a solution of water and a non-aggressive detergent (according to the manufacturer's recommendations) or appropriate disinfectant wipes. However, this practice has some disadvantages: it requires close attention to the expiratory valves and mask sealing, but above all it does not guarantee complete disinfection in every corner of the mask.

Good mask cleaning practices

Good practice for cleaning PPE masks, which are more complex to apply, involves several steps, ranging from high water washing to bagging the mask after washing and disinfection. After the mask is washed with a large amount of water, it is placed in a special washing machine using a special cleaning and disinfection product with a suitable temperature program for perfect cleaning and hygiene. It is then dried at temperature to ensure the elimination of any germs or bacteria. After drying, it is individually sealed and packaged, proving that it is healthy and suitable for use.

Banning practices

Some reflexes and unwise advice encourage cleaning techniques that can damage a PPE mask, such as using aggressive detergents, talcum powder or glass cleaning products for the visor. These products should be avoided because they pose risks of dermal transmission, inhalation, and material degradation. If the mask is being washed by hand, it is important to proceed gently to avoid damaging fragile elements of the mask such as the sealing skirt, panoramic visor, exhalation valve or phonic membrane.

Also note that gas mask filters cannot be cleaned, a passage through water will render them unusable. don't forget . Likewise, disassembling and “dusting” cleaning a filter cartridge will irreversibly affect its filtration capacity. In case of doubt, it is important to refer to the care recommendations detailed in the manufacturer's instructions.

Periodic control of respiratory protective equipment

Gas masks, PAPRs (powered air-purifying respirators), supplied air respirators and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) are class III personal protective equipment. The decree of 19 March 1993 requires periodic inspection and control of category III PPE by an approved maintenance center once a year to verify their proper functioning.

While we hear a lot about ozone pollution peaks or the ozone layer protecting the planet from UV rays, there is one aspect of this gas that is little known: ozone cleaning . This disinfection and cleaning technique is increasingly applied by professionals, especially since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. Ozone cleaning technique, dangers of exposure to this gas and for exposed employees. Let's review the available protection tools.

What is ozone cleaning?

Ozone cleaning technique

Ozone (O3) cleaning It is a simple technique: it consists of applying the gas to a room, a closed place or a vehicle via an ozone generator (or ozonator) and allowing it to act until it turns into oxygen (O2). Thanks to its oxidizing power, O3 disinfects by destroying viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi found on all surfaces of a room and suspended in the air.

To be effective, ozone cleaning must be carried out in the relevant indoor environment. It needs an ozone concentration of 10 to 20 ppm in ambient air. This level of concentration is for everyone in that room. a mortal danger creates . Therefore, this procedure should be performed in an area where there are no occupants for the duration of the treatment. After this process, space ventilation or air recycling must be carried out to ensure the safety of future occupants.

Despite these requirements, spray ozone or ozonated water cleaning technique It was developed in hospitals and is now used in various areas (vehicle cleaning, office cleaning, hotel rooms, etc.). This practice is gaining popularity because it avoids the use of toxic and polluting products, is easy to apply, and quickly eliminates odors. Nowadays it is even possible to use this technique at home with a home ozone generator.

Ozone cleaning against coronavirus

The coronavirus health crisis has enhanced the practice of ozone cleaning. This technique is suitable for complex places that need to be disinfected, such as offices, public reception areas or even public transport. complete decontamination It is particularly popular because it makes it possible to perform it easily.

Although there are many alternatives (virulides, dry steam, UV rays, cold plasma, aerosol cans) for disinfection of places potentially affected by COVID-19, ozone cleaning has some advantages:

  • O3 destroys all kinds of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, spores) and disinfects all surfaces and ambient air infected with coronavirus.
  • Ozonators are available to all businesses and public organizations at affordable prices.
  • Ozone cleaning can be done by one person.
  • It is a non-polluting technique.

Ozone cleaning dangers

ozone gas

Ozone or trioxygen (CAS number 10028-15-6) is a chemical composed of 3 oxygen atoms that rapidly breaks down into oxygen (dioxygen, O2) in ambient air. Ozone, in gaseous, liquid or diluted water form, is a toxic, corrosive and potentially oxidizing substance. in gaseous form O3 is a colorless or slightly bluish (when pure) gas and It emits an odor similar to bleach or chlorine and can be detected by human scent at levels as low as 0.01 ppm.

Ozone is one of the chemicals with the greatest oxidizing power (52% more effective than chlorine (Cl2), for example, and has a much faster cleaning effect). Trioxygenine oxidizing power , making it a particularly effective microbial agent with a very broad spectrum of action. Known for its oxidizing and disinfectant properties, this substance is used in drinking water disinfection, wastewater treatment, treatment of medical wounds (antiseptic and bactericidal properties), swimming pool water treatment (disinfectant), laundry cleaning, paper industry (bleaching agent), food industry (equipment and food processing). products) or in agriculture (pest control action on grain stocks).

Dangers of ozone exposure

The oxidizing power used by the ozone cleaning process Represents a real health hazard . In fact, exposure to certain concentrations of ozone can have health effects on workers performing the cleaning or on people in the treated area that is inadequately ventilated after the process.

ozone exposure It passes mainly through the respiratory tract, but can also affect the skin, mucous membranes and eyes, causing eye irritation, pulmonary edema, as well as damage to the respiratory organs. Depending on the concentration of the gas in the ambient air, those present may be prone to difficulty breathing, cough, dyspnea, chest pain, bronchial hypersecretion, or shortness of breath for up to 48 hours after exposure. When the concentration of trioxygen in ambient air reaches 5 ppm, it poses an immediate danger to life or health.

Also used in cleaning processes chronic exposure to ozone It can cause harmful pulmonary respiratory effects (atrophy of alveolar walls, fibrosis, bronchopia, dyspnea) and affect the neurological system (headache, memory problems, neuromuscular disorders).

Depends on ozone cleaning To avoid these hazards, in France, the INRS sets occupational exposure limit values ​​(OEL) for trioxygen as follows: 0.1 ppm for TWA (Time-Weighted Average threshold limit value for an 8-hour working day) and 0.2 ppm for STEL (Short Term Exposure limit value for a period of 15 minutes).

Protective equipment for ozone cleaning

Operators performing ozone removal may be exposed chronically and/or excessively to particularly dangerous ozone concentrations. Therefore, these people must have adequate protective equipment: respiratory protection And ozone detector .

Ozone respiratory protection

When contaminated ambient air is encountered during or after the ozone cleaning process, respiratory protection mask Wearing it helps ensure the safety of workers performing the task.

The use of a full face respirator (full face covering) is recommended to help with eye irritation. This air purification protection must be used with ABEK2 Hg CO P3 or ABEK2 NO P3 filter cartridges . These combined filters for gas masks protect against organic, inorganic and acid gases and vapors, ammonia and organic derivatives, vapors, compounds and mercury derivatives, carbon monoxide (CO), solid particles, liquids, radioactive, toxic and microorganisms.

It is common practice to equip workers performing ozone cleaning with air-purifying respiratory protection (gas masks) that provide a certain level of protection. However, it is worth noting that ozone, due to its oxidizing and corrosive properties, reacts with activated carbon and hopkalite, which form the filtering medium in gas mask cartridges. Contact with ozone and these components causes their oxidation and therefore the filter capacity decreases faster than under normal use conditions. Therefore, a filter cartridge used for respiratory protection during ozone cleaning will have a faster degradation time and will need to be replaced more frequently.


In case of very high ozone concentrations in an enclosed space, wearing a self-contained respirator is also recommended. For example, an emergency response would require the use of a full SCBA, which allows the responder to be completely isolated from the atmosphere in which he or she is working (breathing air from a compressed air cylinder).

Additionally, regardless of the respiratory protective equipment used, an inspection of the respirator or SCBA should be performed after each use in such a situation. In fact, ozone exposure in some materials can degrade them through oxidation. For example, at high concentrations, rubber, neoprene, polyamide, and polypropylene are not resistant to O3 in gaseous or diluted form. Inspection and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment will monitor potential degradation of certain elements due to ozone exposure and ensure user safety.

ozone gas detector

We recommend a simple portable single gas detector for the detection of ozone remaining after cleaning. A single gas detector located next to the person doing the cleaning alerts them when the gas concentration reaches a dangerous level. Portable single gas detectors such as the Dräger PAC 8000 ozone detector are compact, easy to use and maximize team safety thanks to visual, vibration and audible alarms triggered at 0.1 and 0.2 ppm. The SI-H100 gas detector with integrated sampling pump can measure the substance up to 30 meters away, providing the operator with additional safety.


The smell of ozone can be detected by human smell, but the perception of ozone is limited to that in a room or a closed environment. clear measurement of gas concentration does not hold its place. Because, at all stages of ozone cleaning To protect the health of employees, it is necessary to have equipment that can precisely measure the presence of trioxygen in the air.

Varroa treatment: formic acid and oxalic acid

When a bee colony is infested with Varroa mites, beekeepers sometimes have no alternative but to use products that may pose a risk to their health. In this way, all against these parasites and true bee predators. Varroa treatment solutions due to their proven effectiveness among formic acid And oxalic acid is often preferred.

When using these solutions, wear respiratory protection to complete acid detectors It is possible to install. For example, the WatchGas UNI is perfectly suited for the detection of formic acid, allowing you to anticipate and protect yourself as much as possible. Nowadays, it is forbidden to clean a beehive with acetic acid. The PortaSens III detector would have made it possible to detect its presence in the past and thus optimize alertness.

Why is a beekeeping respirator used in the fight against Varroa?

Varroa treatment: a tool for occupational diseases of beekeepers

Using chemical products to regulate and eliminate bee parasites and predators to health risks subject to. Indeed, whether you use formic acid or oxalic acid or other products, each agent It has properties that may have negative effects on the health of beekeepers. lesions , chemical burns Many health effects, such as illnesses and other diseases that sometimes occur years later, are associated with the use and handling of these products. Because respiratory protective equipment for beekeepers It is essential to be aware of the risks associated with these chemical products to understand why it is important .

Formic acid respiratory protection

Formic acid , which can be harmful to nestlings and queens. It is an organic acid. It is essential to comply with dosages, precautions and temperatures of use when treating Varroa mites. Since formic acid is toxic to humans adapted beekeeper protective equipment It should be used carefully and properly (gloves, glasses and mask). Indeed, concentrations in air when spraying this acid can reach 400 ppm (parts per million).

Formic acid, which is particularly irritating, is prone to skin contact. severe burns (corrosive effect) or sprayed or with acid vapor serious in contact eye damage why could it be . Moreover, when inhaled Formic acid is extremely harmful to the respiratory tract . In case of absorption, this acid can perforate the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. Because, It is essential to wear appropriate beekeeper respiratory protection when treating varroa mites .

Oxalic acid respiratory protection


Also used by beekeepers oxalic acid It is considered an additional treatment. This acid is easy to use and inexpensive. Very effective for treating Varroa mites .

However, just like formic acid, oxalic acid has health-hazardous properties and should be used with caution. This acid used in sublimation is very a volatile and dangerous gas It is heated to 160°C to be transformed.

Oxalic acid, which is irritating and toxic respiratory tract and can be easily absorbed by the skin. Symptoms of the absorption of this substance are many. Ingestion of oxalic acid blood system disorders And to kidney failure It has been proven that it may cause The dangers of oxalic acid don't just affect beekeepers when they treat their hives for Varroa. This acid is also used in other applications such as the metal surface treatment process or as a bleaching agent in the textile, paper or wood industries.

What respiratory protective equipment should be used in beekeeping?

Activities and respiratory protection for beekeepers

Depending on the activities and Varroa treatment process used, beekeeping professionals must be appropriately protected. Even if specialist magazines recommend wearing only simple disposable masks, it is highly recommended for beekeepers to use real respiratory protective masks and half masks due to the toxic nature of chemical products. Respiratory protective half masks and panoramic masks – also called gas masks – equipped with filters specially designed to purify the air from toxic substances that can be inhaled in the ambient air Optimum protection for the beekeeper provides .

In this way, harmful and irritating gases When treating Varroa by sublimation, a full face mask is required. During a drip treatment or when using treatment products, protect the respiratory tract A respirator with a half mask will be sufficient. Additionally, a powered air purifying respirator can also be used by beekeepers to achieve stronger and more comfortable respiratory protection.

Beekeeping respiratory protective devices and filters

Like pesticide respirators for farmers, respirators, half masks, full face masks and powered air purification in the fight against Varroa mites respirators are essential for the safety of workers in the beekeeping industry .


Beekeeper half mask

X-plore 3300 half mask for varroa treatment and preparation It is recommended to be equipped with . This low-maintenance dual cartridge respirator is ideal for beekeepers and provides a wide, unobstructed field of view while being cost-effective.


Beekeeper respirator – full face mask

To protect both the respiratory tract and the upper face, especially the eyes X-plore 5500 full face mask It is recommended to install . Like the half mask, this panoramic mask can be equipped with two EP3 and ABEKK1H2P3 filter cartridges, offering the user a wide field of vision.


Powered air purifying respirator

Finally, for those who require the highest level of air-purifying respiratory protection, Duraflow supported air cleaning system It is the ideal solution to protect against harmful and irritating substances during varroa mite treatment. Featuring a motor and respiratory protection filter, Duraflow reduces the wearer's respiratory effort by injecting clean air directly into the face piece. Thus, it allows longer applications in a safer environment.

Beekeeper respirator filter cartridges

The effectiveness of the air-purifying respiratory protective device depends above all on the filter attached to it. It provides protection against both gases and particles to meet the needs of beekeepers who have to protect their respiratory tract from toxic and irritating substances. combined filters It is recommended to use. In this way, the filters that beekeepers use in their half masks and panoramic gas mask respirators Type E3 and ABEK1HGP3 belongs to . These respiratory filters are effective against organic and inorganic gases and vapors, sulfur dioxide, acids, ammonia, amine compounds and offer suitable respiratory protection against acids used by beekeepers.

Notre-Dame fire and lead contamination

On April 15, 2019 Notre-Dame fire It started on the building's frame in the late afternoon. The so-called “Forest” – the impressive framework supporting the lead roof and the cathedral's spire (120 m long, 10 m high, required 21 hectares of forest to complete) was engulfed in flames for more than 10 hours. The devastating fire destroyed the frame and roof, caused some of the building's vaults to collapse, and destroyed much of the artwork and artifacts inside the cathedral. caused by this fire from combustion emissions, Notre-Dame’da bulunan yüzlerce ton kurşunun Its melting produced oxides and lead particles. Measured around the cathedral after the disaster lead particle pollution is especially important. The average daily lead presence in Paris was estimated at 5000 micrograms per square metre, while readings after the fire in Notre-Dame and surrounding areas Lead concentrations of 20,000 to 50,000 μg/m2 and above is showing . These very high levels of lead particles hazardous effects on health and the environment may have . These results therefore call for measures to be taken for those living and working at the Notre-Dame de Paris cleanup and reconstruction sites. In mid-summer 2019, local officials began implementing a decontamination plan for the area.

Health effects of lead

Lead is a heavy metal classified as toxic, mutagenic, reproductive and ecotoxic. This element is also considered carcinogenic (by IARC). The danger of lead contamination lies in smoke or particle exposure. If inhaled or swallowed, these particles can have many hazardous effects on health. Acute or chronic poisoning, lead poisoning is called and with a blood lead level of more than 50 μg/L (micrograms per liter of blood) is defined. The symptoms of this disease are many: headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, psychomotor disorders, paralysis, anemia, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system and kidneys, high blood pressure, male infertility, intoxication of the fetus causing developmental delays and disorders, fatal encephalitis and comma. at lower concentrations before the official threshold for reporting lead poisoning is reached. lead exposure It may also trigger some of these symptoms.

Notre-Dame lead dust danger

The presence of high levels of lead particles around Notre-Dame may lead to lead poisoning in the population living in this area . Bullet inhalation and swallowing of dust The risk of triggering many health disorders is a possibility. Therefore the authorities simple preventative actions advocating (prohibiting public access to contaminated areas, carrying out regular cleaning to prevent contamination, hands and objects in contact with the ground and street furniture should not touch the face or mouth), disinfecting affected areas (including schools, cathedral courtyards, parks and gardens, etc.) and at-risk advocates lead poisoning screening for the population (children, pregnant women).

Beyond the potential danger to the people of Paris, Notre-Dame field the fire broke out for workers at the reconstruction site poses a greater danger. In fact, the building, spared from rubble and flames, lead dust pollution is at its highest level places (up to 1,300,000 μg/m2 lead measured in the front yard). Therefore, work in the field should be especially supervised and in the best security conditions should be carried out. The same applies to workers and others involved in the decontamination of at-risk areas: adequate protective equipment for people chronically exposed to lead dust (especially respiratory protective masks). It is essential to use .

Lead protection equipment

Respiratory protection against lead dust and particles

Lead pollution caused by the Notre-Dame fire poses a real health hazard to workers and individuals on the cathedral site . on the field First safety measure in case of lead exposure lead PPE (personal protective equipment) is to use: One with P3 filter (dust filter cartridge) PAPR mask ( powered air-purifying respirator ). Unlike traditional gas masks, this type respiratory protective equipment It provides effective protection to the user for a long time. Motorized air purifying respirator, It is a positive pressure system that brings clean filtered air to the breathing mask. For example The mask user wearing the Scott Safety Phantom Vision therefore does not have to make a high respiratory effort and can use this type of device for a long time.


Equipped with P3 filter cartridge using a PAPR mask, Against dust and lead particles found at the Notre-Dame site Provides excellent protection. Different types of masks can be attached to a powered air-purifying respirator, but full protection against bullet It is necessary to use a full face mask that protects the eyes from any protrusions and the respiratory tract (preventing lead inhalation and swallowing).

Other lead protective equipment

Personnel working at the Notre-Dame facility or participating in pollution removal efforts prevent lead poisoning for , polluting showers and in the polluting facility disposable overalls Other equipment such as wearing (with disposable underwear) should be used and provided. Some preventive rules should also be followed: do not eat, drink, smoke in contaminated premises, separate work clothes, Preventing the spread of lead particles around Notre-Dame To humidify work areas, filter water and remove dust at ultra-high pressure with suction, descaling gel or surfactant detergent.

Choosing the right respiratory protective equipment is for all users and all applications a high level of security provides . For atmospheres with a minimum of 19.5% oxygen, 2 filter respiratory protection solutions are available: classic respiratory protective mask (more commonly known as a gas mask) or motorized air purifying respirator devices.

In air-purifying respiratory protection, the choice between a conventional mask and a powered mask is simple. Our experts recommend:

  • A classic respiratory protective mask (gas mask) for interventions or short-term situations
  • Powered air-purifying respirator for work or long-term interventions

Gas mask for short interventions

gas masks, filtered respiratory protective equipment is class 3 PPE (personal protective equipment), known in different forms: half masks, full face masks, single cartridge masks or double cartridge masks. These are the most popular and common respiratory protection devices. Whether full mask or half mask, this PPE is used in a multitude of applications and environments around the world.

A gas mask that covers the airways (nose-mouth) and sometimes the entire face (eye protection) cleans dirty, toxic and/or contaminated air through a filter system. Filter cartridges for gas masks, bayonet filters (compatible depending on brands and models of masks) or RD DIN 40 filters , well They are available as universal thread filters and protect against gases, organic vapors, solid and liquid particles, acid and nitrogen vapors, organic and inorganic compounds, monoxide and nitrogen oxides, radioactive particles, bacteria and viruses. very wide It offers a range of protection.

Use of gas mask significant and unnatural respiratory effort This type of protection is not suitable for long-term use. Gas mask selection when oxygen levels in the air exceed 19.5% by volume short-term situations or brief interventions True for (imminent problem, occasional and non-repetitive situations) (under supplied air breathing apparatus recommended).

A reinforced breathing apparatus unit for heavy or long-term work

A powered respirator (also known as a powered air-purifying respirator) is a positive pressure air filtration device. A small motor combined with a filtering cartridge block (usually positioned at the waist or rear) can clean and deliver polluted air without requiring any respiratory effort to its user. Purified air is distributed over a facepiece, which can be a hood, full mask, or even half mask.

Powered air breathing systems consist of 2 types of facepieces allows adaptation of: masks (panoramic, full or half masks) or respiratory protective headgear (usually offers a better field of view and is also preferred in case of chemical hazard, when wearing glasses or with a beard).

Our respiratory protection experts, during long working periods or in environments that are dirty, toxic, dusty and/or more than 40 times the OEL (occupational exposure limit value) of a pollutant physically demanding jobs recommends the use of PAPR during These devices are found in many areas, activities, workstations and production lines. These devices are used, for example, as welding respiratory protection, asbestos respiratory protection at decontamination sites, or as lead protective equipment after the Notre Dame de Paris fire.

Gas mask or powered respirator?

Choosing the right air purifying respiratory protective equipment should be based on several criteria, including type of use, duration of use, purchase budget and maintenance. Finally, The choice between gas mask and powered breathing apparatus is important, but for these devices choosing the right filter cartridge is essential. Use our filter cartridge selection tool to make the right choice and discover our gas mask maintenance solutions.

The introduction of alcohol ignition interlock devices is nothing new. Since January 1, 2010, buses carrying children must be equipped with this device. The legislation extended this to apply to all buses used in public transport from 1 September 2015. As published in Le Figaro, a famous French newspaper, on March 16, 2017, this device has been in the testing phase for private individuals in three departments since December 1 last year. It should also be noted that some company vehicle fleets are equipped with such devices.

A system in testing phase:

As with many public policies, testing phases are implemented in one or more departments to evaluate the results in order to implement the system throughout France. The departments affected by the introduction of alcohol ignition interlock devices are Drôme, Nord and Marne.

Drivers who are sanctioned following a positive alcohol test will be able to maintain their license by agreeing to have an alcohol ignition interlock device (EAD) installed in their vehicles. In this case, as reported in the article, the governorship will issue a temporary driver's license mentioning the obligation of EAD on the vehicle.

Operation of an AIS

The working principle of the alcohol ignition interlock device is very simple. It consists of a breathalyzer (electronic breathalyzer) connected to the vehicle's starter motor. The driver must blow into the breathalyzer every time he starts the car. If the result is negative (zero or below the legal blood alcohol level), the vehicle can be started normally within five minutes of measurement. If the blood alcohol level is higher than the norm, a second test may be done. If this is also positive, the vehicle cannot be started for 30 minutes.

Tolerable alcohol limits are set out in L234 of the Highway Code. It is determined by the article. For public transport, use 0.2 grams per liter (i.e. 0.1 mg/L of inhaled air) and for other vehicles (company vehicles, private individuals, etc.) 0.5 grams per liter (i.e. 0.25 mg/L of inhaled air). air) should not exceed Alcohol ignition interlock devices are electronic measuring devices. Therefore, they require regular calibration for ethanol (an alcohol found in all alcoholic beverages).

For the calibration or gas testing of electronic breathalyzers, we offer a wide range of calibration gases (in this case ethanol) in disposable cylinders.

Sargassum seaweed phenomenon

Sargassum seaweed – brown algae also known as – is a type of algae that evolved in huge beds in the Atlantic (some beds exceed 45 km in diameter). On the Caribbean coast of the Atlantic since 2011 Large-scale strandings of sargassum seaweed have become a real environmental and public health problem. West Indies And French Guiana is regularly affected by this condition, and other countries in this region are also affected: coastal Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and even Florida sometimes one meter capable of exceeding from toxic sargassum seaweed accumulations is affected.

Tens of thousands of tonnes of sargassum algae (more than 40,000 tonnes) in 2018 Guadeloupe , Martinique , Saint-Martin and even to the shores of Guyana shot . Sargassum algae accumulates on shores, trapping marine animals, blocking ship access and Decomposition releases toxic gases . To deal with these dangers, in June 2018 sargassum programları was started. On the hardest-hit islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, local authorities and communities are developing actions: to verify health risks and environmental hazards measuring sargassum gas concentrations campaigns for, depending on residential areas and the most popular beaches cleaning works, coastal collection of sargassum algae beds … Closing schools located near beaches and cleaning at the height of the tourist season are the first responses to the sargassum phenomenon. affecting the health, environment and economy of the inhabitants of those countries a problem .

Why are sargassum algae poisonous?

Sargassum gas: hydrogen sulfide and ammonia

Even though sargassum algae are not poisonous on their own, they can enter the decomposition phase when washed ashore. toxic gases They reveal .

The gas released by sargassum algae consists of two main elements. consists of:

  • Colorless substance found naturally on Earth hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is a gas. It is produced by the decomposition of organic and bacterial substances and can also be produced industrially. hydrogen sulfide, Harmful effects on health from 10 ppm and in high concentrations fatal toksik bir gazdır .
  • The decomposition of sargassum algae also releases ammonia (NH3) – also known as hydrogen nitride (composed of nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H2)). Ammonia, even at low concentrations It is a flammable, explosive and poisonous gas.

Health effects of sargassum gas

Gases released by the decomposition of sargassum algae It is quite poisonous (hydrogen sulfide and ammonia). Being exposed to and breathing these gases, even at low concentrations, many dangerous effects on health why could it be .

Symptoms and risks of sargassum gas:

  • Eyelash irritation (conjunctivitis, discomfort in bright light)
  • Respiratory system irritation (hoarseness, cough, chest pain)
  • incoordination
  • chronic poisoning In case of: bronchitis, respiratory and skin irritation
  • acute poisoning In case of: dizziness, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness

Additionally, people with asthma, children, and pregnant women are more sensitive to the health effects of these gases. Finally, at a certain level of concentration hydrogen sulfide (H2s) and amonyağa (Nh3) maruz kalmak can lead to death (100 ppm for NH3 and 1,000 ppm for H2S). Brown algae off the coast of the West Indies revealed by decomposition revealed by sargassum gazıdecomposition a real danger constitutes .

How to monitor sargassum gas?

The hydrogen sulfide and ammonia that make up decomposing sargassum seaweed emissions can be detected by smell – a rotten egg smell for H2S and a pungent odor for NH3. However, olfactory perception decreases as concentrations released by algae increase. When it is more than 50 ppm for NH3 and 100 ppm for H2S, it becomes impossible to distinguish these odors. This olfactory fatigue effect It is called . To prevent this and accurately measure the concentrations of these toxic gases It is necessary to use a special gas detector .

Among all available gas detectors, 2 solutions in particular monitoring sargassum gases Suitable for:

  • Portable single gas detectors 

    This, It is the most cost-effective solution but multi gas detector It is less useful than using . To monitor the presence of toxic gases released by sargassum seaweeds two portable single gas monitors required: one for hydrogen sulfide (H2S monitor) and one for ammonia (NH3 detector). The most commonly used device for this application is Does not require special care  such as the Senko SGT gas detector for It is a disposable gas detector . or

  • Portable multi-gas detectors 

    Using only one device to measure targeted gases is more suitable . A device equipped with NH3 and H2S sensors multi gas detector, properly monitoring sargassum gas concentration levels can be used for . Additionally, other sensors can be added to the device, such as CO or CO2, which are potentially released (at lower concentrations) during the decomposition process of algae.

These two types of detectors measure gas concentrations in air (expressed in ppm). etkili bir şekilde izleyebilir and on the dangers of sargassum seaweed may give a warning.

Alan gaz izleme cihazları veya sabit gaz algılama sistemleri gibi diğer çözümler de mevcuttur ancak bunlar sargassum yosununun ayrışması sırasında açığa çıkan gazların konsantrasyon seviyelerinin izlenmesi için nadiren kullanılır.

How to protect against sargassum gas?

Governments are responsible for the toxic emissions of decomposing sargassum He made different suggestions to combat its effects. For example, in the French West Indies, areas with more than 5 ppm H2S were closed to people not wearing appropriate respiratory protective equipment

People operating in polluted areas with toxic gases such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide should not have gas detection units. In addition with adapted respiratory protection masks needs to be equipped .

Therefore, people who collect or treat sargassum seaweed should be advised for short-term interventions. with ABEK filter Must use an equipped respiratory protective mask. Fully shielding the wearer's face, as brown algae emissions can irritate the eyes. full face mask It is recommended to use it (instead of a half mask).

  • In long-term exposures, powered air-purifying respirator with hood or ABEK filter mask use Highly recommended.
  • OEL of gas concentrations Using a respirator in polluted areas if it exceeds the (occupational exposure limit) limit by 60 times It is mandatory.

Although there were patents, known processes, and early stages of respiratory protective equipment before the early 20th century, the development of modern gas masks occurred during World War I to protect soldiers from new chemical weapons used during the conflict. Let's take a look at the history of World War I gas masks.

Chemical weapons during World War I

Chemical weapons of the early 20th century

Since ancient times, chemical and biological weapons have been used in wars. Historians report that poisons (rye spur, snowdrop root, curare) were used in many of the wars and military conflicts that occurred throughout the ages. In the late 19th century, wars—especially the Crimean War and the American Civil War—privileged the production of artillery weapons such as cannons. But at that time, chemical weapons was also being developed and by the headquarters sulfur oxide , picric acid or chlorine Bullets filled with were used. Before the start of World War I, France also produced a choke grenade. By the early 20th century, the chemical industry of the German Empire was very developed, and this country quickly became a world leader in chemistry and was able to rapidly develop chemical weapons, which were developed throughout the war. Despite the signing of the Hague Convention in 1899 and 1907, France, Germany and many other countries did not stop their research and did not give up using these weapons during the First World War. Therefore, the design of an effective World War I gas mask was extremely important.

World War I chemical weapons

Chemical weapons were used from the beginning of the First World War: the French army in August 1914 with tear gas used new loaded grenades (originally created for the Paris police). Germany's chemical industry used it to develop chlorinated weapons.

chemical warfare The escalation was initiated in 1915 with the use of gas shells on the Eastern Front on January 31. This German attack failed due to the very cold weather on the Polish front hindering the spread and effects of the gas. Nevertheless, on 22 April 1915 in Flanders, and particularly in the Ypres area, Germany launched its first large-scale gas attack. More than 150 tons of pressurized chlorine was released and dragged into the Allied trenches. gas cloud poisoned approximately 15,000 soldiers and this chemical attack caused more than 1,000 deaths. After this date, the research and use of chemical weapons increased on both sides of the front. And providing every soldier with a World War I gas mask became a priority.

in May 1915 Attacks using mixtures of phosgene, chlorine, and carbon monoxide It caused the death of more than 600 people on the Russian front. German chemists continued their research and designed a new substance based on bromine. In September 1915, France bullets filled with carbon disulfide launched the first major gas attack (highly toxic at high concentrations, this product quickly wears off when dispersed into the air). In 1916, French shells filled with phosgene caused heavy casualties in German trenches. Used by the Germans in July 1917 and later resynthesized by the French army mustard gas , causing numerous casualties on both sides of the front until the end of the war.

During World War I hydrogen cyanide, arsine, bromine, chlorine, phosgene and other chemical elements are increasingly deadly chemical weapons created . It is estimated that more than 130,000 tons of chemical weapons were used during World War I. Such weapons caused more than 90,000 deaths during the conflict.

Effects of World War I chemical weapons

Different chemical weapons used from 1914 onwards – such as tear gas – caused irritation (especially eye pain), temporary disability, iç ve dış lezyonlara neden olan ve ayrıca to death It releases harmful substances that can cause Various devices that soldiers could use as World War I gas masks were not always effective enough to protect soldiers.

During World War I, as chemical weapons were being developed, soldiers suffered, coughed blood, suffocated, suffered chemical burns, went blind, and died as a result of these attacks. Among the most well-known (and used) gases during World War I, mustard gas – also known as Yperite – was particularly destructive. Indeed, the chemical compound was used by both sides and caused great physical suffering (burns, suffocation, blindness, skin reactions, respiratory infections, and death). Using gas as a chemical weapon, incapacitating the enemy, provoking retreat, and causing psychological suffering. It was designed to demoralize and weaken the soldiers.

The poisonous gas used during the First World War is now used as a tool to protect people from its effects. gas with his mask can be purified, but this was not always the case.

World War I gas mask

Soldiers wearing makeshift respiratory protection equipment

At the beginning of World War I, soldiers were inadequately protected against gas attacks. Indeed, the modern gas mask had not been developed and soldiers later made temporary respiratory protection systems They developed . In 1914, only German soldiers were equipped with respiratory protection (essentially simple gags).

To protect against chemical weapons, and especially chlorine, a Canadian medic recommended that soldiers put a thick cloth over their mouth and nose soaked in water, baking soda and urine. found in urine ammonia, To avoid the effects of chlorine clouds Reacts with chlorine .

After the first major chemical attack at Ypres in 1915, France and its allies respiratory protection equipment started a serious study on . World War I gas mask development and production had to be done quickly. Compressed respiratory protection systems were rapidly developed. The Allies first created gags by copying German front-line units. These consisted of a cloth envelope filled with cotton soaked in hyposulphite solution. However, this envelope placed on the face with four straps was not enough to protect the entire respiratory system because these masks were not airtight. Despite this, compressed respiratory protection systems were rapidly developed. More effective solutions such as P2 stamps and S2 bags appeared on the Allies' side, followed by T and TN stamps.

French military forces to protect the eyes and part of the face adding goggles to the gas defense equipment array continued to make progress in developing protective equipment. However, it was not until 1916 that these glasses became airtight, adjustable and truly effective against gases. British forces appeared to be more effective on their side. titles They developed . They were later used by French soldiers as an addition to muzzles and goggles.

For each new substance, neutralizing and protective solutions for the eyes and respiratory tract must be developed. Of course, they must be effective against new gases, but they must also remain effective against previous substances still in use. This is conducted between chemists and engineers from both parties. It is a technical war.

World War I gas masks

In the autumn of 1915, German troops were equipped with a type of modern gas mask. Gummimaske is made of rubber fabric and a replaceable chemical air purification system cartridge with filter It was the first full face mask. These first cartridges are herbal coal It consisted of hyposulfite and soda ash. This particularly well-thought-out mask was impermeable to tear gas and mustard gas and effective protection against high phosgene concentrations was providing . However, the purification filter was ineffective against phosgene when introduced.

On the Allied side, the first World War I gas mask appeared and was distributed to the front on December 6, 1916. This was a full face mask that covered the entire face and used a compression system as a filter. Thanks to a rectangular plastic visor, this mask good field of view provided. This gas mask was placed on the face with 2 elastic straps. This mask evolved with eye cups throughout its development and was able to protect soldiers for 5 hours.

In August 1916, a new gas mask version inspired by German World War I gas mask units was designed and produced in January 1917. However, its use only began in January 1918. ARS mask (special breathing apparatus) or MCG This new mask, called the (chemical warfare mask), was similar to what Allied soldiers had to face at the time. It was the best protective unit against gases. Breathable for efficient protection air purifier cartridges It is secured with . Thanks to the adjustable elastic straps, the ARS covers the face well and provides good protection for the eyes and respiratory system. As it develops, this mask, filtering cartridges filled with agglomerated coal and glycerin water used various types of filters, including . With ARS gas masks, the old M2 unit was increasingly relegated to emergency function. Same principles and functions as escape masks – eebds and self-rescue masks – used in emergencies today.

Produced by thousands of units, these first World War I gas masks would later be developed and improved until the Armistice of November 11, 1918. They would then continue to be produced for new civilian applications after the war. The air-purifying and atmosphere-providing respiratory protective technologies developed during World War I are the first stages of the tools and equipment we now use on a regular basis. Modern gas masks, filter cartridges, escape respirators and self-rescuers, millions of firefighters, workers and operators It is used worldwide every day to protect across many industries through thousands of applications .