
Self Rescue Masks, SCBA, Emergency Escape

Self-saving And emergency SCBA masks, for emergency evacuation in unbreathable, anoxic or extremely toxic environments are self-contained breathing apparatus . Unlike filtering devices, they provide breathable air. There are two main categories: closed circuit devices , consists of breathing in one's own inhaled and exhaled air in a cycle (rescuers) and self-contained open circuit devices , are self-contained breathing devices for evacuation, such as SCBA.

self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and rescue masks, They are self-contained breathing apparatus reserved for emergency evacuation from environments known to be “unbreathable,” anoxic, or extremely toxic. They are only used in this specific context (emergency escape) and never to respond on the spot or to rescue a person in distress.

self-saving masks

self rescue masks, They are self-contained closed-circuit breathing apparatus (SCBA) specifically designed for emergency evacuation in oxygen-free, smoky or toxic environments. They are an integral part of the CATEC® training (Certificat d’Aptitude au Travail en Espace Confiné – Certificate of Ability to Work in Confined Spaces), which is highly recommended or even required in some situations such as mines, tunnels, sanitation and water treatment. There are two main categories of self-rescue masks:

Self-rescue masks with chemical oxygen

Chemical oxygen self-rescuers, It uses a KO2 (potassium superoxide) cartridge that chemically reacts with exhaled air in a bag (lung) to produce oxygen. The moisture in the exhaled air combines with carbon dioxide, creating the chemical reaction of KO2, while the carbon dioxide binds. This chemical reaction releases oxygen into the breathing bag for breathing by the wearer.

Compressed Oxygen Self-Rescue Masks

Compressed oxygen self-rescuers It uses a different principle. The wearer's exhaled air is collected in a breathing bag, and the compressed oxygen cylinder compensates for the difference between oxygen-depleted exhaled air and newly breathable air. A lithium hydroxide bed filters CO2 from exhaled air, making it clean and breathable.

Emergency or evacuation SCBA

Particularly simple, easy and quick to use emergency or evacuation SCBAs provides breathing air for a specified period of time, allowing completely safe emergency evacuation from a contaminated or non-breathable (oxygen-deficient) area. Unlike self-rescue masks, SCBAs are not disposable devices.

These are “mini” SCBAs tucked into a carrying case. Opening the bag instantly releases the air in the compressed air cylinder (via a pin system). Then take the helmet, put it on and breathe properly while escaping the danger zone. Then, refill the compressed air cylinder at an authorized service center. The device is operational again!

Periodic inspection of Class 3 PPE

self rescue masks And SCBAs class 3 personal protective equipment (equipment that provides protection against serious and fatal risks). Like all class 3 PPE, they are subject to annual periodic inspection. This service can be performed on-site or at our facilities in Vert Saint Denis.

Class 3 PPE inspection should be carried out at least once a year. Each verification takes into account different eligibility criteria. The manufacturer's authorized technician checks the general condition of the device in addition to its proper functioning or integrity. You can find a certificate of conformity supplied with the device. Also available on our secure GTC Industrial app .