How to Protect from Sarin Gas?

Sarin (GB) It is odorless, colorless and volatile (liquefies at ambient temperature) and belongs to the family of organophosphates. It is extremely toxic to humans and animals. It is estimated that this gas is 500 times more toxic than cyanide.

This is neurotoxic – soman (GD) , tabun (GA) And VX (10 times more lethal than sarin) – it is extremely dangerous (0.01 ppm of this gas can be lethal) enters the respiratory tract or simply through skin contact (but can also be used to poison water or food) and mixes directly with the blood and affects the nervous system. It prevents the transmission of sensory impulses and causes death due to cardiorespiratory arrest. The injured first feel severe headaches and their pupils dilate. They then convulse, experience respiratory arrest before falling into a coma and dying.

sarin gas, By the United Nations on 3 April 1991 (resolution 687) « weapon of mass destruction » before being classified as a chemical war It is considered . Therefore, its production and preservation has been prohibited since 1993.

How to protect yourself from sarin gas (sarin gas mask)?

gas mask Remember that (or rather anti-gas mask) only protects the respiratory tract . As mentioned above, sarin gas can also be absorbed through the skin –NBC le gas sarin can also be peau (NBD protection equipment required) or swallowed…

For respiratory protection against sarin gas covering a wide range of hazards Type ABEK2-P3 (also coded A2B2E2K2-P3) We recommend panoramic gas masks with filtering cartridges:

Each filter cartridge is characterized by a set of letters (type of protection: ABEKP) and numbers (absorption class: 1-2-3):
A : Organic gas and vapor (solvents) with a boiling point above 65°C
B : Inorganic gas and vapor (chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, sulfure d'hydrogène, hydrogen cyanide).
E : Acid gas and vapor such as sulfur dioxide.
K : Ammonia and organic compounds
P : Solid and liquid particles, Particules solides et liquides, radioactive and highly toxic particles, bacteria and viruses

Our « How to choose a filtration cartridge » tool available on the GTC Industrial website allows you to determine the type of cartridge you need based on the gas(es) encountered, with a description of each cartridge available…

Even more «protective», like Scott Safety’s TORNADO, made of hypalon (high resistance to chemical products) that covers the entire head and shoulders. has an integrated hood (used with NBC protection equipment) and With A2B2E2K2Hg-PSL filter cartridge a powered air-assisted respirator

Powered air-supported respirator TORNADO consists of 3 units: ventilation system (« engine »), filter cartridge(s) and facepiece (hood, mask…). The engine sucks ambient air through filters and injects it into the head protection through a corrugated hose.

Assisted ventilation reduces respiratory effort and fatigue resulting from the use of filtered respiratory protection equipment. This is a respiratory protection system especially adapted for long-term work or high temperature situations. Assisted ventilation Overpressure in the head ensures a high nominal protection factor.

All types of filtered respiratory protection devices (gas masks, powered air-assisted respirators…) It definitely requires at least 17% oxygen volume, otherwise it will be necessary to use a self-contained breathing apparatus…