
Breathing Air Quality Analysis – Standard NF EN 12021

Analysis of breathing air quality in industrial air networks is essential. NF EN 12021 standard, Specifies requirements for compressed air quality for breathing purposes. In industry, the limit values ​​set by this standard must be observed when personnel are equipped with breathing apparatus (air supply systems, self-contained breathing apparatus, breathing air carts).

The NF EN 12021 standard regulates the analysis and control of some special parameters such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen content (O2), hygrometry (water content in breathable air), oil vapors (volatile organic compounds) and impurities (dust). .

Oxygen%21 (+/- %1)
Kirlilikler< ulusal maruz kalma sınırı
Yağlayıcılar0,5 mg/m³
Koku ve tatYokluk
Karbondioksit CO2500 ppm
Karbon monoksit CO5 ppm
Su içeriği (*)Beklenen en düşük ortam sıcaklığında çiğ noktası < 5°C


* There should be no liquid water or risk of freezing. If operating conditions are unknown, the system dew point should not exceed -11°C.