Styrene – C8H8

Styrene on this page  ( C8H8 Detection tools suitable for –  C8H8 gas detector  – and suitable respiratory protective equipment (gas mask or A with gas filter Information about powered air purifying respirator ) is provided.

Styrene (C8H8) properties

Styrene ( C8H8 ) is used to produce plastics such as polystyrene. It is used to synthesize rubber or latex by reacting with other monomers such as acrylonitrile and/or butadiene. The pharmaceutical industry and perfumeries use small amounts of styrene as an additive in perfumes and medicines. This substance is also used in the chemical industry as a solvent to synthesize polyester resins.

  • CAS
  • 202-851-5
  • TWA (8 hours)
  • 23,3 ppm
  • STEL (15 minutes)
  • 46,6 ppm
  • LEL
  • %0,9
  • IP
  • 8,4 eV
  • 3.6
  • A

Health effects of styrene

Styrene ( C3H8 ), has a slight odor detectable from 0.15 ppm onwards. colorless or sometimes a yellowish gas. When this volatile organic compound is inhaled it is very harmful and may cause irritation to skin and eyes (R36/38). Between 0.9% and 6.8% by volume flammable , styrene vapors can form explosive gas mixtures. Moreover reproductive toxic effects There are also . IARC* does this for people possibly carcinogenic classified as (Group 2B).

Styrene gas detector – C8H8

C8H8 respiratory protection – Styrene